Creative writing programs chicago

  • Does Brown University have a good creative writing program?

    For fifty years, Literary Arts at Brown University has been a creative and intellectual center for a diverse and innovative literary community..

  • Does the University of Chicago have a creative writing program?

    Minor in English and Creative Writing
    Undergraduate students who are not majoring in English may enter a minor program in English and Creative Writing.
    These students should declare their intention to enter the minor program by the end of Spring Quarter of their third year..

  • What is a creative writing program?

    By situating small, student-oriented writing workshops alongside literary models, Creative Writing classes enhance the broader study of literature and critical theory, helping students gain a greater understanding of the social and cultural forces informing their work..

The Program in Creative Writing is part of the Department of English Language & Literature at the University of Chicago. Students at UChicago pursue 

Academic program

The New England Literature Program (NELP) is an academic program run by the University of Michigan that takes place off-campus during the Spring half-term.
University of Michigan faculty and other staff teach the courses, and students earn regular University of Michigan credit.
The program has been in existence since 1975 and has an endowed permanent directorship in the English Department to ensure NELP's continuation.


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