Creative travel writing examples

  • How can I make my travel writing interesting?

    How To Keep Writing While Travelling

    1. Set realistic goals
    2. Invest in a portable travelling kit
    3. Always take notes
    4. Embrace technology
    5. Take photos
    6. Use downtime to your advantage
    7. Take in local ambience
    8. Aim for regularity

  • How can I make my travel writing interesting?

    Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.
    Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements, as in the case of tourism..

  • How do you write good travel writing?

    Early examples of travel literature include the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (generally considered a 1st century CE work; authorship is debated), Pausanias' Description of Greece in the 2nd century CE, Safarnama (Book of Travels) by Nasir Khusraw (1003-1077), the Journey Through Wales (1191) and Description of Wales .

  • What are some example of travel writing?

    hidden gem; paradise; quaint; picturesque; awesome; interesting; authentic; magical; charming; sun-dappled; friendly locals; bucket list; nestled; off the beaten track; must-see; breathtaking; exotic; epic; meander; something for everyone; emphatic adverbs like very, really, extremely; the best in the world.

  • What are some example of travel writing?

    Travel writing is a form of creative nonfiction in which the narrator's encounters with foreign places serve as the dominant subject.
    Also called travel literature.Jul 3, 2019.

  • What are some example of travel writing?

    Travel writing, by definition, is writing that describes places the author has visited and the experiences they had while travelling..

  • What travel writing includes?

    4 Tips for Travel Writing

    1. Write from a unique point of view.
    2. Your point of view is your specific reason for writing a travel piece.
    3. Show, don't tell.
    4. The best stories do more than tell readers information about a place, they paint a vivid picture.
    5. Be a good reader
    6. Be honest

Apr 19, 2021Below are examples of travel writing that include; first paragraphs, middle paragraphs, and final paragraphs for both travel articles as well as 
Examples of Travel Writing
  • "By the Railway Side" by Alice Meynell.
  • Lists and Anaphora in Bill Bryson's "Neither Here Nor There"
  • Lists in William Least Heat-Moon's Place Description.
  • "London From a Distance" by Ford Madox Ford.
  • "Niagara Falls" by Rupert Brooke.
  • "Nights in London" by Thomas Burke.
  • "Of Trave," by Francis Bacon.

Tell What You Care About, But Don’T Ignore Others

Consider this paragraph: “I arrived in Manikaran at noon.
I wanted to take a long hot bath in the thermal pools so I walked to the temple.
But as families and their children had already crowded the bath, I got out early.
After the bath, I was hungry so I ate a samosa.
The rudraksha males were beautiful so I went to one shop to buy.“ A lot of travel.


Weave The Facts Throughout The Story

Fiction writers never give all the facts and data in the first paragraph of the story.
Travel writers shouldn’t stuff all the logistics and information at once either.
Otherwise, the piece will become a read-before-sleep rather than a read-because-you-can’t-stop concoction.
Read this: “The museum was opened in 1871.
With the ticket, we got an audio.


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