Creative writing at cambridge

  • Can you study creative writing at Cambridge?

    Our courses are open to everyone and are designed for part-time study at our beautiful home of Madingley Hall, just outside Cambridge.
    We welcome students from all backgrounds and levels of experience.
    Whether you're an absolute beginner or an experienced writer, there will be something for you..

  • Can you study creative writing at Oxford?

    Part-time study in creative writing at Oxford University
    Need an extra push to finish your novel, poem or play? Want to explore new genres? Whether you're a beginner wondering where to start, or an experienced writer looking to extend your craft, we have a part-time, flexible course for you..

  • Does Cambridge do creative writing?

    Our courses are open to everyone and are designed for part-time study at our beautiful home of Madingley Hall, just outside Cambridge.
    We welcome students from all backgrounds and levels of experience.
    Whether you're an absolute beginner or an experienced writer, there will be something for you..

We are the University of Cambridge Centre for Creative Writing, based within the Institute of Continuing Education. We believe in the power of writing and  Our coursesPeopleCreative Writing MentoringVideos

What can I do with an MSt in Creative Writing?

But rather than focusing purely on fiction and creative non-fiction, the MSt in Creative Writing will also take in political speechwriting, radio essays, stand-up comedy and polyphonic scripts for stage, screen and radio.


What is a creative writing course?

The MSt aims to facilitate students’ creative practice, whether for their own personal creative development as writers or for professional development.
Students could include:

  • teachers of English at the primary or secondary level and those working in areas such as :
  • journalism
  • broadcasting
  • publishing and editing.
  • ,

    What is a Master of studies in Creative Writing?

    The Master of Studies (MSt) in Creative Writing is designed for those who wish to develop high-level skills in creative writing both in fiction and non-fiction literatures.
    The MSt is taught over two years in short, intensive study blocks.
    It has been designed to be accessible to those in full- or part-time employment and to international students.


    What is the University of Cambridge Centre for Creative Writing?

    We are the University of Cambridge Centre for Creative Writing, based within the Institute of Continuing Education.
    We believe in the power of writing and reading to change lives and bring people together both locally and around the world.
    Collaboration and partnership are at the heart of what we do.


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