Creative writing on my favourite personality

  • How do I write about my favorite personality?

    He is a simple man with kind rules.
    He is handsome, my favourite and my ideal man.
    He is my friend and always ready to encourage, appreciate me for success, and always ready to help me wherever I need a friend or the support of my father.
    I am proud of my father and wish him good health forever..

  • How do I write about my favorite personality?

    My Father- My Favourite Personality
    He is the one who has helped me become a better human being.
    Moreover, my father is the one I thank for my healthy and protected life.
    My father is a kind man who is very polite.
    He always likes helping out others..

  • How do I write an essay about my personality?

    Answer 1: A favourite personality is someone whom you like in a special way for who they are and how they carry themselves..

  • How do I write an essay about my personality?

    My Father- My Favourite Personality
    He is the one who has helped me become a better human being.
    Moreover, my father is the one I thank for my healthy and protected life.
    My father is a kind man who is very polite.
    He always likes helping out others..

  • How to write a descriptive paragraph on your favourite person?

    Personality refers to social behaviour which is pleasing or displeasing to others persons, which is not considered as right or wrong.
    It is different from character which refers to conduct which is considered as right or wrong or in conformity with the accepted social standard or repugnant to it..

  • How to write a descriptive paragraph on your favourite person?

    Your personality essay should include a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
    Begin with a general introduction of yourself, delve deeper into specific traits, values, and experiences in the body, and summarize the main points in the conclusion..

  • Who can be a Favourite personality?

    He is a simple man with kind rules.
    He is handsome, my favourite and my ideal man.
    He is my friend and always ready to encourage, appreciate me for success, and always ready to help me wherever I need a friend or the support of my father.
    I am proud of my father and wish him good health forever..

500 Words Essay On Favourite Personality. There are a lot of people all over the world who have achieved greatness and people look up to them.500 Words Essay On Favourite My Father- My Favourite
500 Words Essay On Favourite Personality. There are a lot of people all over the world who have achieved greatness and people look up to them.My Father- My Favourite What Makes My Father a Great


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