Creative writing vs english major reddit

  • Is a Creative Writing degree difficult?

    Creative writing takes a lot of hard work, but there are few things that stretch your imagination and storytelling abilities as well.
    It isn't always given the respect it deserves as a topic of study, but you'll learn a set of valuable and transferable skills if you take a creative writing course..

  • Is an English degree better than a Creative Writing degree?

    Professionally speaking, your options will be more specific, and from some perspectives, limited.
    If you're looking to write for a living, or are interested in the publishing business, then Creative Writing will look just as good on a résumé as English, but employers outside of the field might respect it less..

Apr 9, 2016I'm pretty sure a creative writing degree is more marketable than an English degree. However, an English degree is probably better if you're 

Does an English degree help with creative writing?

An English degree does not help you with this.
An English literature degree focuses on reading novels, analyzing them, and writing essays about them.
Almost none of that process helps with creative writing.
A Creative Writing degree will certainly give you the time to write, but you don't always get a say in what you write.


Is a creative writing major a bad idea?

Go read his collection of essays, the part you want us in the kindle sample.
Yes, it's a terrible idea.
There are some people who make it work, but they are the exception and not the rule.
Statistically speaking, anything you learn from a Creative Writing major will not make up for the debt you put yourself in.


Should creative writing teachers teach fantasy writing?

Creative writing teachers are normally failed literary writers.
Trying to learn how to write fantasy from one is like trying to learn how to box by taking very bad tai chi classes.
And generally pays damn all for it.


Should I do a Creative Writing degree with a compsci degree?

So mixing your CompSci degree up with a bit of creative writing would mean you could step in user experience design, business analysis, service design, that kind of space.
But I agree with the other comments about a creative writing degree not teaching you nearly as much about writing as actually doing it. (And reading a lot of books) .


Creative writing vs composition
Creative writing vs english
Creative writing vs narrative
Creative writing or english literature
Creative writing or journalism
Creative writing using pictures
Creative writing using 5 senses
Creative writing using adjectives
Creative writing using imagery
Creative writing using figurative language
Creative writing using images
Creative writing using homophones
Creative writing using conjunctions
Creative writing using colours
Creative writing using second person
Creative writing using commas
Creative writing using shoes
Creative writing using emotions
Creative writing using tone
Creative writing using passive voice