Creative writing cat

  • How do you describe the animal cat?

    Cats are graceful, carnivorous (meat-eating) mammals with sharp teeth and claws.
    Most kinds of cat prey on other mammals or birds, and most hunt alone at night.
    Only lions live and hunt in groups.
    The claws of cats are extended to help grip their prey, but retracted (pulled back) when not in use..

  • Cats are hardwired to stalk, hunt, and pounce on their prey, which makes them perfect for keeping your home free of unwanted pests – be it mice, bugs, or something else.
    Even their presence can be enough of a deterrent for rodents as their scent can act as a repellent.
  • Domestic cats are usually white, black, yellow, or gray and sometimes have markings of a different colour.
    A pattern of dark stripes or swirls on a lighter background is called tabby.
    Males may reach lengths of 28 in. (71 cm), and females are usually about 20 in.
  • The cat's independent personality, grace, cleanliness, and subtle displays of affection have wide appeal.
    Typically, cats are creatures of habit; they are inquisitive, but not adventurous, and are easily upset by sudden changes of routine.

How Could I Use these?

Any of a hundred different ways! For example, you might pick out a prompt at random, and write two pages on the topic.
Or, perhaps use them as inspiration for a creative writing session, and craft a short story exploring the topic.
Why not journal on one of the topics each day for one week, as a fun writing challenge.


How long do you write as a cat?

As I am a cat.
I will write for fifteen minutes as a human.
And you will write for fifteen minutes as though you were an animal.
You may be a dog if you wish, or a raccoon.
Or any other species you would like to write about.
However, I am curious, curious as a cat, to read your stories as though you were a cat.


The Prompts

How are cats different to dogs in their attitude and behavior?


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