Creative writing hashtags

  • How do you write the best hashtag?

    Aim for short and sweet.
    There are exceptions, but most effective hashtags are concise and easy to understand at a glance.
    Clarity is key.
    You won't have time to explain a convoluted hashtag – your audience will have already moved on by then..

  • How do you write the best hashtag?

    If you're posting a photo of your studio, consider: #studio, #artinspiration, #artiststudio, #creativetime or even #metime.
    A watercolor painting of a seascape might get: #watercolor, #watercolorart, #beach or #seascapes.
    Simply be mindful that your tags are relevant..

  • What hashtags to use as a writer?

    So, without further ado, here's how it's done:

    1. Learn from influencers
    2. Use social media tools for research
    3. Use hashtag aggregators and analytics tools
    4. Know your hashtags
    5. Find a unique hashtag
    6. Use clear hashtags
    7. Keep It short and simple
    8. Make sure the hashtag is relevant

10 hashtags for writers
  • #AmWriting.
  • #WritersLife.
  • #WriterWednesday.
  • #WordCount.
  • #FollowFriday.
  • #FridayReads.
  • #WritingPrompt.
  • #BookGiveaway.
Author Hashtags
  • #AmWriting. This is one of the oldest and most used hashtags for writers and authors out there.
  • #writerslife. This is about sharing things about your life as a writer.
  • #writerwednesday.
  • #fridayreads.
  • #writing.
  • #writingcommunity.
  • #writingprompt.
  • #bloggers.
Best hashtags for use with #creativewriting are #creativewriting #writersofinstagram #poetry #writingcommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity 

How Many Hashtags Should I use?

You can use more than one at a time – but the received wisdom on Twitter these days is no more than two or three for maximum engagement.
On Instagram, however, the more the better: you can use up to 30 per post, with at least 11 resulting in greater engagement.
If you’re using social ads, however – such as Facebook ads – it’s generally best not to .


Use Media in Your Tweets

To make the most of your hashtags, include a relevant weblink where appropriate and where space permits.
Images have become more important in Twitter over the last few years too – as have videos and GIFs (short looping videos and animations).
You can share video or audio files (such a a link to a YouTube video), which will play directly in your Twi.


What are hashtags and how do you use them?

Hashtags are usually how other users come across your posts, so I’ve started to use them a lot more.
I’m including:

  • a mix of big
  • popular hashtags and smaller niche hashtags.
  • ,

    What Are Hashtags?

    Hashtags are simply words or phrases used in tweets (and other social media updates) with the # symbol in front of them.
    Make sure you don’t use any spaces or punctuation, and they become links that, when clicked, reveal a timeline of everyone whose tweets contain that hashtag.
    You don’t need to register them anywhere, or use pre-existing ones – ju.


    What are the most popular writing hashtags on Instagram?

    Most popular instagram writing hashtags #writing #poetry #writersofinstagram #writer #love #poetrycommunity #quotes #poem #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #poetsofinstagram #poet #poems #words #art #writers #writersofig #reading #life #wordporn #books #write #amwriting #lovequotes #author #instagram #writerslife #quoteoftheday #thoughts #bhfyp .


    What is a SCBWI hashtag?

    # FollowFriday (spikes in popularity on Fridays, suggesting new people to follow) #SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators) Hashtags originally developed on the Twitter platform.
    They were organically created by Twitter users, and the company then adopted them as an official feature.


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