Uel creative writing

  • WHAT A levels do you need for a Creative Writing degree?

    Entry requirements for a Creative Writing degree at a university range from 80–160 UCAS points.
    This could include: A Levels: AAA–CCE.
    BTECs: DDD–MMP (may also require an English Literature A Level).

  • What is BS Creative Writing?

    Potential Career Options
    The Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing – English specialization offers a broad and comprehensive study of the English language, including literature, grammar, composition, and rhetoric.
    Your courses can help you develop skills in writing, critical thinking, communication, and analysis..

Why should you study Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide?

It is a craft, an art, and every art requires patient apprenticeship, training, and professional encouragement.
Studying Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide gives you all that and more.
Our world-class writers teach their craft on the basis of years of experience, award-winning publications, and hundreds of hours in the classroom.


Why should you study English literature with Creative Writing at UEA?

Immerse yourself in a thriving community of writers and thinkers through the study of English Literature with Creative Writing at UEA.
Learning from practicing writers and passionate teachers, you will sharpen your ability to sculpt language into stories, scenes and images.


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