Creative development puerto rico

Does Puerto Rico need a creative economy?

After years of economic hardship, then the devastating Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico is in need of sustainable, long-term economic development.
Supporting the island's creative economy by investing in arts, cultural, education, and entrepreneurship programs is one way to build a better Puerto Rico for the future.


How can we build a better Puerto Rico?

Supporting the island's creative economy by investing in arts, cultural, education, and entrepreneurship programs is one way to build a better Puerto Rico for the future.
A staggering 45% of Puerto Ricans live below the poverty line, meaning many families struggle with access to food, shelter, and basic social services.

Creative development puerto rico
Creative development puerto rico

History of professional wrestling in Puerto Rico

Professional wrestling has been considered one of the most popular forms of entertainment in Puerto Rico for more than fifty years.
It is considered the highest source of income in the sports entertainment industry on the island; a minor industry within its tertiary sector in its overall economy.
After sports commentator José Antonio Géigel and a group of wrestlers founded the first promotion based in Puerto Rico, the discipline has consistently remained being broadcast in local television.
Originally a mixture of foreign wrestling styles, the Puerto Rican wrestling style developed into a unique form of performing.
Most notably, local promotions relied on unusual matches, often involving foreign objects or odd arenas.
Local wrestling is considered to be one of the pillars that contributed to modern hardcore wrestling, being the territory where the first fire and death matches took place.
Local promotions exploited the innovation and held their cards in large stadiums, eventually becoming an element of popular culture.
During the course of six decades, Carlos Colón Sr. has developed over 70 scars in his forehead that are product of this method of performing, becoming the main symbol of the style's nature.
The storylines in Puerto Rico have historically revolved around the foreign heel
formula, with local wrestlers obtaining victories over notable figures that include Ric Flair, Harley Race, Hulk Hogan, Terry Funk, Diamond Dallas Page, Scott Hall, Booker T, Samoa Joe and Curt Hennig among several others.

Small pottery managed by master potter and ceramicist Hal Lasky

Puerto Rican Pottery was one of two potteries that established Mid Century Modern Pottery/Ceramics on the Island of Puerto Rico.
The pottery operated from 1948–1966 in Santurce, Puerto Rico.
It was a small pottery associated with and managed by master potter and ceramicist Hal Lasky.


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