Creative development definition computer science

  • What is creative work in computing?

    Creative computing is interdisciplinary in nature and topics relating to it include applications, development method, evaluation, modeling, philosophy, principles, support environment, and theory..

How do developers develop computing innovations?

When developing computing innovations, developers can use a formal, iterative design process or experimentation.
While using either approach, developers will encounter phases of investigating and reflecting, designing, prototyping, and testing.


How do students develop a program?

In this big idea, students work collaboratively to design and develop programs using an iterative development process.
They identify the needs of all users by gathering input from people from diferent backgrounds and demographics.
Once the program is developed, they test it to ensure it meets these needs.


Why is creative thinking a problem in traditional education?

In traditional education, teachers tend to focus on transmitting knowledge, and neglect fostering student's creative thinking idea.
This causes that students are passive recipients of knowledge, rather than proactive thinking, student's creative thinking idea become indifferent, and student's creative thinking ability is weak .


Why is creativity important in Computer Science Education?

Moreover, creativity is an important issue for the future of new technology systems.
There are expanding opportunities for the designers of new technologies to develop new tools and innovative applications.
Therefore, computer science education should reflect this strong sense of innovation.


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