Credit risk visualization

  • What are the 3 types of credit risk?

    Risk visualisation is the processing and interpreting of critical data more efficiently and naturally using tools that enable the graphical representation of your risks.
    This visual representation makes it easy to understand your organisation's risk profile, as well as what needs to be done to improve it..

  • What are the techniques for measuring credit risk?

    Credit risk analysis is the means of assessing the probability that a customer will default on a payment before you extend trade credit.
    To determine the creditworthiness of a customer, you need to understand their reputation for paying on time and their capacity to continue to do so..

  • What is risk Visualisation?

    Lenders look at a variety of factors in attempting to quantify credit risk.
    Three common measures are probability of default, loss given default, and exposure at default.
    Probability of default measures the likelihood that a borrower will be unable to make payments in a timely manner..

  • What is risk Visualisation?

    Risk visualisation is the processing and interpreting of critical data more efficiently and naturally using tools that enable the graphical representation of your risks.
    This visual representation makes it easy to understand your organisation's risk profile, as well as what needs to be done to improve it..

Visualize a new world of credit risk analytics. Business transformations driven by data visualization could include real-time data quality 

Analyzing Credit Risk

For many financial institutions, one key performance measure comes to mind more than any other: credit risk.
A person’s credit risk score is based on financial health factors including: available credit, debt, payment history, and length of credit history.
The financial factors not built into the credit score include income, bank balance, and emplo.


What is credit risk modelling?

Credit risk modelling is foundational to understanding the probability of default or bankruptcy among public companies.
With COVID-19’s continued economic impact, innovative solutions that meet the rising challenges of managing and moderating credit risk are required.


What Is The Distribution of Our Target Market Based on Our Credit Risk Model?

This shows the probability of good credit for various demographic factors.
Adjusting the filters above (when you're in Data Visualization Desktop) to gain an understanding of what is likely to result in good credit.
Each row is a person, so we can see that in our model, most people have a 52.85 or 55.26 percent probability of good credit.
From this.


What Kinds of Loans Is Our Target Market Segment Interested in?

In this visualization, we set up a pivot table to target people with a high probability of good credit as our target segment.
Then we filter their credit history by delay, duly now, duly past, not taken, and risky.
From this, we can construct a treemap visualization to see the loan type of this target market segment.
We see that the most common typ.


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