Credit bureau risk grade

  • 'B' ratings indicate that material default risk is present, but a limited margin of safety remains.
    Financial commitments are currently being met; however, capacity for continued payment is vulnerable to deterioration in the business and economic environment.
  • What is a credit bureau risk score?

    This broad-based risk score predicts how likely a consumer is to repay a loan and make payments when they are due.
    Another way to look at it, a risk score provides an indicator of the likelihood that a consumer will become more than 90 days delinquent in the next 24 months..

  • What is the credit bureau risk grade?

    Calculated from an algorithm based on your current credit data, this number will change in tandem with changes in your credit information.
    The Bureau Score ranges from 1000 to 2000 for risk grades AA to HH.
    The lower the Bureau Score, the higher the probability of default.Sep 14, 2023.

  • Although each of the credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax and TransUnion—format and report your information differently, all credit reports contain basically the same categories of information.
    These four categories are: identifying information, credit accounts, credit inquiries and public records.
The Bureau Score can range from 1000 – 2000 for risk grades AA – HH. For Non-Scored Risk Grades, score will be indicated as not applicable in the credit 
The score range from 1000 to 2000, where individuals scoring 1000 have the highest likelihood of defaulting on a payment, whereas those scoring 2000 have the 


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