Credit risk package in r

  • What is the creditmodel package in R?

    creditmodel is a free and open source automated modeling R package designed to help model developers improve model development efficiency and enable many people with no back- ground in data science to complete the modeling work in a short time..

  • What is the scorecard package in R?

    The goal of scorecard package is to make the development of the traditional credit risk scorecard model easier and efficient by providing functions for some common tasks that summarized in below.
    This package can also used in the development of machine learning models on binary classification..

  • Credit risk modelling refers to the use of financial models to estimate losses a firm might suffer in the event of a borrower's default.
May 6, 2019Presenting an intuitive and easy-to-use R package to enhance credit risk scoring and validation! THis article contains comprehensive R code 
May 6, 2019The creditR package provides users with a number of methods to perform traditional credit risk scoring, as well as some of those for testing 


‘Dplyr’ provides a set of tools for efficiently manipulating datasets in R.
The problem in most data analyses is the time it takes for you to figure out what to do with your data, and dplyr makes this easier by having individual functions that correspond to the most common operations (group_by, summarise, mutate, filter, select and arrange).
Each f.



There are four main families of functions in stringr:.
1) Character manipulation: these functions allow you to manipulate individual characters within the strings in character vectors..
2) Whitespace tools to add, remove, and manipulate whitespace..
3) Locale sensitive operations whose operations will vary from locale to locale.
4) Pattern matching fu.


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