Credit risk determinants

  • What are the basic factors in determining credit risk?

    Key Takeaways

    Credit risk is the potential for a lender to lose money when they provide funds to a borrower. Consumer credit risk can be measured by the five Cs: credit history, capacity to repay, capital, the loan's conditions, and associated collateral..

  • What are the determinants of credit risk?

    Bank-specific factors, such as management efficiency, profitability, credit growth, and bank size, are important determinants of credit risk.
    Asfaw and Veni (2015) and Zheng et al. (2018) conducted studies that demonstrated a negative correlation between bank profitability and credit risk..

  • What are the factor that determine the credit risk?

    The 5 C's that are used to determine a borrower's creditworthiness are:

    The borrower's capacity to repay the loan is the most important of the 5 factors. Capital.
    This factor is all about assessing the net worth of the individual who has applied for a loan. Conditions. Collateral. Character..

  • What determines credit risk?

    Lenders look at a variety of factors in attempting to quantify credit risk.
    Three common measures are probability of default, loss given default, and exposure at default.
    Probability of default measures the likelihood that a borrower will be unable to make payments in a timely manner..

  • Combinations of macroeconomic conditions and particular bank-specific factors have an impact on credit risk in commercial banks (Twum et al. 2021).
    The macroeconomic factors of GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, currency rates, and profitability may have a considerable impact on credit risk.
Bank-specific factors, such as management efficiency, profitability, credit growth, and bank size, are important determinants of credit risk. Asfaw and Veni (2015) and Zheng et al. (2018) conducted studies that demonstrated a negative correlation between bank profitability and credit risk.
Main determinants of bank credit risk in Tunisia are ownership structure, prudential regulation of capital and profitability, and bank macroeconomic indicators 
This study documents that GDP growth, unemployment, bank capitalization, bank performance, bank operating inefficiency, bank ownership concentration, inflation, sovereign debt and bank size are the main determinants of NPLs, whereas, loan growth, bank diversification and interbank competition were found to have an


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