Creditvision risk score

  • How accurate is CreditVision?

    CreditVision scores outperform scores built with traditional data.
    These enhanced scores can be used on their own or in combination with existing scores.
    TransUnion CreditVision Risk Score leverages account history—along with actual payment amount – to produce a more accurate assessment of a consumer's credit risk..

  • What is CreditVision risk score?

    CreditVision risk scores are built from TransUnion's own expanded consumer credit report and utilize new data elements including actual payment amounts as reported for each account, revolving/transacting behaviour on credit cards, and up to 24 months of history for each tradeline..

  • What is CreditVision score and personal loan score?

    CreditVision\xae Score leverages the power of trended data, such as change in slope of consumer balances, revolving – transacting history on Card trades, behavior of excess payment, part payment on all trades, velocity of new loan uptake and payment ratios, as a continuous concept rather than discrete attributes over the .

  • What is good CreditVision score?

    Typically, lenders consider a score of 700 or above to be ideal for a borrower applying for any form of credit line..

  • What is the CreditVision link score?

    CreditVision\xae LinkSM Short-Term Risk Score combines traditional, trended credit and alternative data for a more comprehensive picture of subprime consumers in the short-term or small-dollar credit market than traditional data alone..

  • CreditVision\xae Score leverages the power of trended data, such as change in slope of consumer balances, revolving – transacting history on Card trades, behavior of excess payment, part payment on all trades, velocity of new loan uptake and payment ratios, as a continuous concept rather than discrete attributes over the
CreditVision Risk Score Range After the repayment capability of an individual is analysed on the basis of the CreditVision risk scoring model, he or she is assigned a score between 300-900. The higher the credit score of the borrower, the better are their chances of getting a loan or a credit card.
CreditVision risk scores are built from TransUnion's own expanded consumer credit report and utilize new data elements including actual payment amounts as reported for each account, revolving/transacting behaviour on credit cards, and up to 24 months of history for each tradeline.
TransUnion CreditVision Risk Score leverages account history—along with actual payment amount – to produce a more accurate assessment of a consumer's credit 

Do CreditVision scores outperform traditional scores?

CreditVision scores outperform scores built with traditional data.
These enhanced scores can be used on their own or in combination with existing scores.
TransUnion CreditVision Risk Score leverages account history—along with actual payment amount – to produce a more accurate assessment of a consumer’s credit risk.


How does CreditVision work?

Using CreditVision data—including:

  • actual payment amounts and expanded historical data elements—this score delivers big improvements in performance across the risk spectrum compared to traditional risk scores.
    Resulting in expanded approvals, reduced risk and improved pricing accuracy.
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    What is a CreditVision risk score?

    CreditVision risk scores are built from TransUnion’s own expanded consumer credit report and utilize new data elements including:

  • actual payment amounts as reported for each account
  • revolving/transacting behaviour on credit cards
  • and up to 24 months of history for each tradeline.
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    What is TransUnion CreditVision risk score?

    TransUnion® CreditVisionTM Risk Score leverages account history - along with actual payment amount – to produce a more accurate assessment of a consumer’s credit risk.
    Our CreditVision Risk Score leverages the power of non-traditional data, such as:

  • payment ratios
  • balance movement trends and revolver/ transactor behaviour on credit cards.

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