Cash holdings and credit risk

  • How does stock liquidity affect cash holdings?

    According to the real investment motive, high stock liquidity generates this complementarity between external financing and cash holdings.
    Therefore, corporate cash holdings increase with stock liquidity..

  • What are cash holdings?

    Meaning of cash holdings in English
    money that a person or company keeps available to spend rather than investing: low/high cash holdings Low cash holdings take away the freedom of managers to react to the market..

  • What are the 3 types of credit risk?

    Meaning of cash holdings in English
    money that a person or company keeps available to spend rather than investing: low/high cash holdings Low cash holdings take away the freedom of managers to react to the market. (Definition of cash holdings from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary \xa9 Cambridge University Press).

  • What are the determinants of cash holdings?

    Determinants of corporate cash holdings

    H1: Cash flow has a positive effect on cash holdings. H2: Capital expenditure has a negative effect on cash holdings. H3: Growth has a positive effect on cash holdings. H4: Leverage has a negative effect on cash holdings. H5: Liquidity has a negative effect on cash holdings..

  • What are the determinants of cash holdings?

    The principal sources of credit risk within the Group arise from loans and advances, contingent liabilities, commitments, debt securities and derivatives to customers, financial institutions and sovereigns..

  • There are transaction motive, precautionary motive, tax motive, and agency motive.
    There is one additional motive to hold cash that is speculative motive.
    Every firm can decide its own cash level.
    Static trade off, pecking order, and free cash flow theory also explain the determinant of cash holdings.
At the same time, the firm responds by optimally increasing its cash holdings, which reduces the probability of a cash shortfall and leads to lower spreads. speculative-grade firms, cash holdings increase with credit risk, as do credit spreads.
For example, a decline in expected future cash flows leads to an increase in the default probability and a corresponding rise in credit spreads. At the same time, the firm responds by optimally increasing its cash holdings, which reduces the probability of a cash shortfall and leads to lower spreads.

Do cash holdings affect credit spreads?

Intuition suggests that firms with higher cash holdings should be “safer” and have lower credit spreads.
Yet empirically, the correlation between cash and spreads is robustly positive.
This puzzling finding can be explained by the precautionary motive for saving cash, which in our model causes riskier firms to accumulate higher cash reserves.


Does credit risk contagion increase a firm's cash holdings?

At the same time, it can also increase the credit risk of other firms in the same industry, leading to an increase of the firm's credit risk contagion (CRC) exposure.
Under this scenario, wecannot conclude that it is credit risk contagion that increases the firm's cash holdings.


What is the relationship between credit risk spillovers and cash holdings?

Credit risk spillovers and cash holdings:

  • baseline results.
    This table presents baseline OLS regressions that examine the relationship between a firm's exposure to credit risk spillovers and its cash holdings.
    The dependent variable is the ratio of cash plus marketable securities to total assets.
  • ,

    Why do riskier firms accumulate higher cash reserves?

    This puzzling finding can be explained by the precautionary motive for saving cash, which in our model causes riskier firms to accumulate higher cash reserves.
    In contrast, spreads are negatively related to the part of cash holdings that is not determined by credit risk factors.


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