Criminal law worksheets for students pdf

How do you explain a case to a student?

Talk about why we have trials to solve conflicts and the difference between criminal law (breaking a rule) and civil law (a conflict between people). 3.
Give a quick summary of the case to the students and either ask for volunteers to fill the roles, or assign the roles. 4.


How do you present a story in a criminal trial?

Each side gets to summarize their version of the events and the facts.
They should try to present their story in a way that shows the witnesses’ testimony agrees with them.
The prosecution should ask for a verdict of guilty (in a criminal trial), and the defense attorney should ask for a verdict of not guilty.


What do students learn in a criminal justice class?

In part 1, students will use previous knowledge to form definitions for some different categories of justice.
In part 2, students will look at criminal, or corrective justice, to identify the goals and types of punishments.
In part 3, students will learn about restorative justice, and research and report about problem-solving courts.

Criminal law worksheets for students pdf
Criminal law worksheets for students pdf

October events of the 2019–2020 pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong

Apart from protests on 1 October—the Chinese National Day—most of the significant events of the 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests in October 2020 took place away from the streets, and many of them outside Hong Kong and China.
The threat to protests posed by the national security law was exacerbated by continued uncertainty about the fate of twelve detainees who had attempted to escape to Taiwan by boat in August, and were held across the border in Shenzhen; on 10 October, Hong Kong police detained nine further individuals in relation to that incident.
In addition, the Hong Kong government did not relax the four-person gathering limit that had been enacted in the course of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the police continued to strictly enforce it.
Pan-democrats in the city considered the restrictive gathering limit to be a pretext for curbing protests, also given that other pandemic related restrictions were relaxed in the course of the month.


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