Criminal justice howard community college

  • How do I contact Howard Community College?

    The main number for the Welcome and Information Center is 443-518-1000, or you may wish to email us.
    Giving makes a difference Your support helps students along their pathways to success..

  • How many credits do you need to graduate from Howard Community College?

    completion of at least 60 credit hours, depending on the major selected, with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; completion of a minimum of 15 of the 60 required credit hours at HCC..

  • Is Howard Community College a university?

    Howard Community College (HCC or Howard CC) is a public community college in Columbia, Maryland..

  • Is Howard Community College accredited?

    Howard Community College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design..

  • What is the acceptance rate for Howard Community College?

    Howard Community College is not selective with an acceptance rate of 100%..

  • What type of college is Howard Community College?

    Howard Community College (HCC or Howard CC) is a public community college in Columbia, Maryland.
    It offers classes for credit in more than 100 programs, non-credit classes, and workforce development programs..

  • Access email within myHCC, or directly from by using your HCC login ID and password.
    Check your email regularly, delete messages that you no longer need, and empty the Deleted Items folder to ensure you will be able to continue sending and receiving college email.
  • Howard Community College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.
HCC's Criminal Justice instructional area has expanded from the traditional study of the causes of crime and the functions of police, to accommodate a wide range of issues such as computer forensics, domestic terrorism, computerized mobile crime detection, identity theft, juvenile gangs, and constitutional rights to
Students of HCC's Criminal Justice associate transfer degree program are provided a multidisciplinary education that draws upon the principles of psychology, 
In social work, the Positive Youth Justice (PYJ) model is an approach to working with children and young people in conflict with the law that focuses on encouraging positive behaviours and outcomes.


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