Criminal justice in farsi

Are Iran's Prisons a tool of political repression?

Meanwhile, hundreds of Urgent Actions and statements on behalf of people whose lives or physical security are at imminent risk are evidence of the torture epidemic in Iran’s prisons, the implementation of corporal punishments such as:

  • flogging and amputations and the use of the death penalty
  • including :
  • as a tool of political repression. .
  • ,

    Should Iran unify its criminal justice system?

    The authorities should unify the criminal justice system so that common procedures, standards and laws are upheld by a unitary and independent judiciary in the criminal division.
    All trials in Iran should abide by the minimum guarantees for fair trial set down in Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


    Who is the Chief Justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran?

    The Chief Justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran is appointed by the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei. ^ Highest to Lowest.

    Overview of the use of capital punishment in Iran

    Capital punishment is a legal punishment in Iran.
    Crimes punishable by death include murder; rape; child molestation; homosexuality;
    pedophilia; drug trafficking; armed robbery; kidnapping; terrorism; burglary; incestuous relationships; fornication; prohibited sexual relations; sodomy; sexual misconduct; prostitution; plotting to overthrow the Islamic regime; political dissidence; sabotage; arson; rebellion; apostasy; adultery; blasphemy; extortion; counterfeiting; smuggling; speculating; disrupting production; recidivist consumption of alcohol; producing or preparing food, drink, cosmetics, or sanitary items that lead to death when consumed or used; producing and publishing pornography; using pornographic materials to solicit sex; recidivist false accusation of capital sexual offenses causing execution of an innocent person; recidivist theft; certain military offenses ; waging war against God; spreading corruption on Earth; espionage; and treason.
    Iran carried out at least 977 executions in 2015, at least 567 executions in 2016, and at least 507 executions in 2017.
    In 2018 there were at least 249 executions, at least 273 in 2019, at least 246 in 2020, at least 290 in 2021, at least 553 in 2022, and at least 309 so far in 2023.


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