Criminal law oer

Rating 4.5 (18) Criminal Law uses a two-step process to augment learning, called the applied approach. First, after building a strong foundation from scratch, Criminal Law 

Attendance Policy

Just come to class.
If you can’t make it just let me know via email.However, students who do not inform me of their absence will be marked as anunexcused absence.
The more unexcused absences you have the more your gradedrops.


Course Description

Thiscourse provides an in-depth review of substantive criminal law in the federal &state systems including analysis of the essential elements of all major crimes,the concepts of constitutional review & judicial scrutiny & theprinciples governing legal challenges to the constitutionality of laws.
Itincludes legal research & writing & analysis of cas.



(Students are encouraged to monitor gradeswith Professor throughout semester.) Class attendance and active participation are central toan understanding of the course material.
The student is expected to keep upwith the text reading.
I anticipate two quizzes, a mid-term exam and one finalexam.
The final grade is cumulative.
Arriving at the final gra.


Teaching Procedures

Coursematerials and information will be presented through assigned readings from thetextbook, instructor lectures via slides and participation in classdiscussions, videos, handouts, writing assignments and special projects.
Studentsare expected to actively participate in class discussions and in collaborativeor group learning exercises.


What is the OER policy?

The OER Policy was to be a collaborative effort beginning with a meeting of invited pre-service and in-service teacher education organisations, NGOs active in the educational field, representatives of associations of school principals, school administrators, teacher associations, and unions to help finalise the OER Policy draft.


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