Criminal law in south africa

  • Criminal law examples

    South African common law is mainly the 17th and 18th century Roman-Dutch law that was transplanted to the Cape.
    This forms the basis of modern South African law and has binding authority.
    Examples of common law crimes include murder, robbery and rape, etc..

  • Criminal law examples

    South African criminal courts operate on an adversarial system which means that there will always be two opposing parties litigating, with the magistrate or judge sitting as neutral arbitrator or umpire.
    The District and Regional courts are presided over by Magistrates and the High Courts by Judges..

  • How is criminal law enforced in South Africa?

    The police (the South African Police Service or SAPS) prevent crime, investigate crime, and catch suspected criminals.
    The prosecution service (officially know as the National Prosecuting Authority) decide whether or not to prosecute someone who is suspected of having committed a crime..

  • How is South Africa's legal system?

    The Republic of South Africa is a constitutional state, with a supreme Constitution and a Bill of Rights.
    All laws must be consistent with the Constitution.
    South Africa has a mixed legal system - a hybrid of Roman Dutch civilian law, English common law, customary law and religious personal law..

  • Types of criminal law

    A criminal case happens when the government files a case in court to punish someone (the defendant) for committing a crime.
    If the defendant is found guilty of a crime, he or she may face jail or prison..

  • What are the 4 elements of crime in South Africa?

    [44]Absent the doctrine of common purpose, the South African common law of criminal liability recognizes four separate and distinct elements or requirements, namely; (i) an act (actus reus); (ii) which is unlawful (unlawfulness); (iii) causing the crime (causation); and (iv) committed with the necessary intent or culpa .

  • What are the elements of criminal law in South Africa?

    [44]Absent the doctrine of common purpose, the South African common law of criminal liability recognizes four separate and distinct elements or requirements, namely; (i) an act (actus reus); (ii) which is unlawful (unlawfulness); (iii) causing the crime (causation); and (iv) committed with the necessary intent or culpa .

  • What is criminal procedure law in South Africa?

    Criminal procedure in South Africa refers to the adjudication process of that country's criminal law.
    It forms part of procedural or adjectival law, and describes the means by which its substantive counterpart, South African criminal law, is applied.
    It has its basis mainly in English law..

  • What is the criminal procedure in South Africa?

    Criminal procedure in South Africa refers to the adjudication process of that country's criminal law.
    It forms part of procedural or adjectival law, and describes the means by which its substantive counterpart, South African criminal law, is applied..

  • What type of law is in South Africa?

    South Africa has a mixed legal system - a hybrid of Roman Dutch civilian law, English common law, customary law and religious personal law..

Crimes of consequence should be distinguished from crimes of circumstance: A crime of circumstance is one in which it is the situation which is criminal (likeĀ  Criminal liabilityConductUnlawfulnessCulpability
Crimes of consequence should be distinguished from crimes of circumstance: A crime of circumstance is one in which it is the situation which is criminal (likeĀ  PunishmentPrinciple of legalityCriminal liabilityCulpability


In 2018, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development heeded to the UN call and commenced with the establishment of the very first Femicide Watch in the African continent.
The Femicide Watch is the repository of all cases of femicide in a country and is established to assist in the following: (i) Capture and track down every femicide ca.


Child Justice

The aim of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008) is to set up a child justice system for children in confl ict with the law.
This means that children under the age of 18, who are suspected to have committed crime, will not be dealt with in terms of the normal criminal procedure which is used for adults, but the child justice process will be .



Information on expungement of a criminal record in terms of the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008) and expungement of a criminal record in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1997).
Read more on expungements/ clearing of a criminal record.
1) Forms


Restorative Justice

Restorative Justiceis an approach to justice that aims to involve the parties to a dispute and others affected by the harm (victims, offenders, families concerned and community members) in collectively identifying harms, needs and obligations through accepting responsibilities, making restitution, and taking measures to prevent a recurrence of the .


Trafficking in Persons

More often the crime of trafficking in persons involves amongst others domestic violence, the following but not limited to, may be identified on a victim: Poor physical and mental health condition, Language barriers if victim is international, Fear of health care workers, Fear to reveal the in depth situation when confronted by health care workers .


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