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What About Cyberbullying?

These days, more and more bullying happens through texting or on social networking sites like Twitter or Instagram.
Because kids spend so much of their social lives online—and because tweets or other postings can spread so far and so quickly—it can be especially devastating when they become victims of cyberbullying.
Like in-person bullying, cyberbu.


What About The Police?

Call the police right away if your child has been physically assaulted in any way.
The police might also get involved if the bullying qualifies as criminal harassment or cyberbullying.They’ll investigate, and the bully might end up in juvenile court.
The police should also be able to tell you about any other options for keeping the bully away from .


What Can You Do as A Parent?

Anti-bullying organizations and government agencies recommend a number of steps that parents can take:.
1) First, try to get the story.
Have your child tell you what happened in detail (and record it); older kids can write the description themselves.
Pull together any evidence that’s available.
For instance, save and print screenshots of social medi.


What Do Schools Have to Do About Bullying?

State antibullying laws generally require schools to take specific steps in response to bullying, including disciplinary proceedings for the bullies that could lead to suspension or even expulsion from school.


What Is Bullying?

In general, bullying is any unwanted physical, verbal or other aggressive behavior by a student (or a group of students) that’s directed at another child.
The behavior either has already been repeated or has the potential to happen again.
Typically, bullies have more power than their victims, because they're bigger, older, or even more popular.


When Is Bullying A Crime?

Bullying may be a crime if the behavior qualifies under state law as assault, battery, criminal harassment, stalking, or even child pornography (if the bully posted or shared nude or sexually explicit images of the victim).
Many states have specific laws that make it a crime to use any electronic form of communication (including a phone) to stalk o.


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