Criminal law online deskbook

Can a novel offense be charged under the UCMJ?

Other novel offenses may be charged, provided the alleged misconduct satisfies the standard in one of the three clauses of Article 134 and the misconduct cannot be prosecuted under another article of the UCMJ.
C. Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline (Clause 1).


What happened to advocacy chapters in the Deskbook?

In 2017, the deskbook was reorganized to put chapters into chronological order more consistent with criminal procedure, and all of the advocacy chapters were removed.
The advocacy chapters were edited and included in the 2017 update to The Advocacy Trainer.


What is the latest version of the criminal law Deskbook?

The July 2018 version of the Criminal Law Deskbook was the most recent version to address pre-Military Justice Act law and procedure.
Criminal Law Department The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School U.S.
Army Table of Contents Criminal Law Deskbook F OREWORD F ACULTY 2018-2019 T HE M ILITARY J USTICE S YSTEM 1.


What's new in the Military Justice Deskbook?

The January 2019 version of the deskbook is the first version to reflect changes to the military justice system resulting from the Military Justice Act of 2016, mostof which took effect as of 1 January 2019.
The July 2018 version of the Criminal Law Deskbook was the most recent version to address pre-Military Justice Act law and procedure.


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