Criminal law exceptionalism

  • What is the eclectic theory of criminal law?

    Eclectic or Mixed Theory – It is a combination of positivist and classical thinking wherein crimes that are economic and social in nature should be dealt in a positive manner, thus, the law is more compassionate..

  • What is the principle of specificity in ICL?

    The principle of specificity requires that the definition of the proscribed act be sufficiently precise, while the prohibition of analogy requires the definition to be strictly construed.
    This Latin maxim enunciates the principle that no person should be tried or punished more than once for the same crime..

  • According to the Supreme Court, the positivist theory of criminal law states that the basis for criminal liability is the sum total of the social and economic phenomena to which the offense is expressed.
  • The characteristics of criminal law are: (.
    1. General; (
    2. Territorial; and (
    3. Prospective.
    4. Philippine Laws for they merely represent their state's commercial, mercantile or business interest.

Political party in Germany

The Party for a Rule of Law Offensive, Rule of Law State Offensive Party, Party for the Promotion of the Rule of Law, Law and Order Offensive Party, or Party of Law and Order Offensive, commonly known as the Schill party from 2000 to 2003, was a minor right-wing populist party in Germany, mainly active in the state of Hamburg, that ran on a platform of law and order.
It was founded in July 2000 by the judge Ronald Schill and was temporarily very successful in Hamburg, winning 19.4% of the votes in the 2001 state election and joining a coalition government.
After the centre-right coalition collapsed and Schill left the party in 2003, it quickly lost support.
Attempts to expand to other states or the federal level were unsuccessful.
It may therefore be considered a flash party
or protest party.


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