Criminal law ontario

  • How long does a criminal case take in Ontario?

    You're got a trial date; if it's in the Ontario Court of Justice, that's what you've elected, it's gonna be four to twelve months after that.
    So your case could be wrapped up – if it's an indictable offence where you elect the Ontario Court of Justice – in as little as seven months..

  • What are three types of criminal Offences in Canada?

    Under the Criminal Code of Canada, there are three kinds of offence; summary, indictable, and hybrid..

  • What is considered a criminal Offence in Ontario?

    Acts involving deliberate violence, such as assault, are criminal acts.
    Activities with unauthorized weapons are also considered offences, such as the possession of firearms with automatic firing capability.
    And of course, any form of theft or possession of stolen goods is criminal..

  • What is the name of the criminal court in Ontario?

    Criminal Court - Ontario Court of Justice..

  • In Canada, the criminal trial process begins with criminal charges and usually an arrest.
    If the police believe you've committed a crime, they may lay charges and put you behind bars.
    However, they must have strong evidence, including witness statements and various reports, including police, medical or incidental.
Mar 29, 2022Criminal procedure and practice in the Ontario Court of Justice. Information published by the Ontario Court of Justice on criminal procedures.

Criminal Appeals

If you are found guilty of a criminal offence, you can ask a higher court to review decisions made during the trial.
This is called an appeal.
You can ask the court to look at the conviction (what you were found guilty of doing) or the sentence (the punishment the court ordered).
The Crown attorney (the lawyer representing the community) can also a.


If You Are A Surety

A surety is someone who acts as an accused person’s supervisor in the community while the accused person’s matter is before the courts.
The surety must agree to take responsibility for the accused person while in the community.
Sureties are responsible for making sure the accused person: 1. comes to court on time 2. obeys each condition of the bail.


If You Are A Witness

If you are required to go to court as a witness, you will get a document called a subpoena telling you: 1. when and where you must go to court 2. if you are being called as a witness for the Crown or the accused person You may also receive a document that requires you to attend the hearing and produce specific documents and items.
This document is .


If You Are Charged with A Criminal Offence

If you are charged with a criminal offence, you will either be: 1. released and told by police when and where to go for your first court appearance (virtually or in person).
This is not the trial date – you may have several court appearances before the matter is resolved 2. taken into custody and entitled to a bail hearing before a justice as soon .


If You Do Not Have A Lawyer

If you do not have a lawyer, you should contact the Crown Attorney’s office for the area where you were chargedto get information about your case including an Adult Charge Screening Form.
You will need to provide your: 1. full name and date of birth 2. charge(s) and police occurrence number on your release papers 3. email address 4. mailing address.



The Criminal Code of Canada (Criminal Code)is federal legislation that prohibits harmful or undesirable behaviour to protect the public.
A criminal case starts when a person is charged with one or more offences under the Criminal Code.


What are the Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice?

The Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice set out procedural rules that apply to criminal proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice.
The objective of the Criminal Rules is that proceedings are dealt with justly and efficiently.


What happens at a sentencing hearing in Ontario?

If the judge finds you guilty, your case will enter the sentencing phase.
At the sentencing hearing, both the Crown and you may make arguments as to why a specific sentence is appropriate.
The judge will then impose a sentence.
Criminal Court:

  • Step-by-Step This is a step-by-step guide on a typical criminal case at the Ontario Court of Justice.
  • ,

    What happens if you are found guilty of a criminal offence?

    If you are found guilty of a criminal offence, you can ask a higher court to review decisions made during the trial.
    This is called an appeal
    You can ask the court to look at the conviction (what you were found guilty of doing) or the sentence (the punishment the court ordered).


    What is the objective of the criminal rules?

    The objective of the Criminal Rules is that proceedings are dealt with justly and efficiently. 1.1 (1) The fundamental objective of these rules is to ensure that proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice are dealt with justly and efficiently. (2) Dealing with proceedings justly and efficiently includes ,.


    Young People

    If you are between the ages of 12 and 17 and police think you committed a criminal offence, your case will be dealt with under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA).
    This means you could either: 1. get a warning or formal caution from the police 2. be referred to a community program 3. be charged with an offence and sent to court Learn more about O.

    Prosecutors in Ontario, Canada

    The term Crown Attorney's Office is the title for the various public prosecution offices under the jurisdiction of the province of Ontario.
    Each Ontario Superior Court of Justice has its own Crown Attorney's Office, which conducts all criminal trial prosecutions and summary conviction appeals for cases that the province is responsible for in that court's geographical area.
    The numerous Crown Attorney Offices, along with the Crown Law Office – Criminal and various specialized offices forms the Criminal Law Division of the Attorney General of Ontario, under the immediate supervision of the Division's Assistant Deputy Attorney General of Ontario.

    Ontario, Canada political scandal

    The Ontario Bond Scandal was an alleged scandal that affected the government of Ontario in 1924 and 1925.


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