Criminal law legal aid qld

  • How can I get free legal advice in Australia?

    Legal Aid provides a number of free legal services which are available to anyone in the community.
    These include legal information and referral services and, in some cases, minor assistance (for example, telephone advice).
    In many cases Legal Aid also provides duty lawyer services at certain courts..

  • How does legal aid work in Qld?

    Legal Aid Solicitors can provide free advice on most areas of law but not all.
    Legal Aid can provide representation for some legal matters, this service is nearly always means tested (one exception is victims of crime compensation and youth)..

  • Is legal aid free in Qld?

    Legal Aid Queensland helps people who have a legal problem but can't afford to pay a lawyer.
    We are an independent, government-funded legal service committed to helping the most disadvantaged members of our community..

  • What services does legal aid provide in Queensland?

    Legal Aid Queensland provides information, advice and representation in family, civil, and criminal law matters.
    The Legal Aid Call Centre is staffed by information officers, they can provide legal information and referral to legal advice and/or other services..

  • Which legislation covers criminal law in Queensland?

    Criminal Code Act 1899 - Queensland Legislation - Queensland Government..

  • Criminal law is the rules of statute and common law which direct that certain actions are punishable by the state.
    Each Australian jurisdiction has a body of criminal law.
    In some Australian jurisdictions the criminal law, or a defined part of it, is governed by a statutory code.
  • The fastest way to get help is to search our legal information online.
    You can also call 1300 65 11 88, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.
The agreement between the State of Queensland and Legal Aid Queensland sets out Queensland's legal aid priorities for state criminal law matters. The National 

Do I have to apply for legal aid?

You have to apply for a grant of legal aid if you want a lawyer to represent you in court.
But if you want to get legal information or advice about your problem, you can talk to us without going through the application process.
How do you decide who gets legal aid? .



Our organisation is governed by the Legal Aid Queensland Board and a chief executive officer.
Our corporate governance structure


How We Are Funded

We are funded by the Queensland Government to undertake state law matters (ie criminal law and civil law matters).
Other sources of funding for state law matters include client contributions and interest on invested Legal Aid Queensland funds.
We are funded by the Australian Government to undertake Commonwealth law matters (ie family law matters). .


Legal Aid Queensland Board

The Legal Aid Queensland Board is responsible for managing Legal Aid Queensland and making sure we are achieving our objectives.
The board is our governing body and is responsible to the Attorney-General.
The board decides our priorities and strategies, leads policy direction and ensures sound and prudent financial management.
We have 5 board membe.



Nicky Davies is an experienced lawyer and legal administrator who has held senior roles at Legal Aid Queensland since 2001, including Senior Director Legal Practice and Family Law and Civil Justice Services Director before her appointment as CEO.
Before working at Legal Aid Queensland Mrs Davies was a partner in private legal practice in England.


Our Governance Framework

The Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009requires statutory bodies have an appropriate governance framework.
Our governance framework outlines the strategies, policies and processes that ensure effectiveness in managing performance, managing risk and managing compliance.
View our governance framework.


Our Partners

Our partners work with us to help deliver quality legal services to people in Queensland.
They are a first point of contact for many people looking for information and advice about legal aid and may provide representation on our behalf.
Our partners include:.
1) Preferred suppliers—private law firms doing work on our behalf for clients applying for .


Our Purpose

We give legal help to financially disadvantaged people about criminal, family and civil law matters.
See a full list of what we do.
We are committed to providing a quality service to all our customers, as outlined in our service charter.


What is Community Legal Centres Queensland (clcq)?

Community Legal Centres Queensland (CLCQ) is the peak association for CLCs in Queensland.
They provide support and advocacy to the 33 independent, community-led CLCs operating in Queensland and offer information about how and where to access legal assistance services.


What is Legal Aid Queensland?

Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ) is a statutory authority that provides legal information, advice, and representation to financially disadvantaged Queenslanders.
It specialises in criminal, family, and civil law.
LAQ’s information and advice services are free to all Queenslanders.


Which community organisations provide legal assistance services in Queensland?

Most community organisations that deliver legal assistance services in Queensland are community legal centres (CLCs).
CLCs have been providing legal services in Australia for more than 40 years.
CLCs and community organisations are different from other legal service providers in a number of ways:.


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