Criminal procedure germany

  • How do criminal trials work in Germany?

    Criminal trials in Germany are typically conducted in front of a judge or a group of judges.
    Juries are much rarer in Germany compared to other jurisdictions, such as the USA, and are only used in cases involving serious crimes like murder, treason, or war crimes..

  • What counts as a criminal record in Germany?

    Strictly speaking, anyone who has been convicted of a criminal offence by a final judgement – no matter how minor the sentence – has a criminal record.
    According to common usage, however, the person who does not have an entry in the certificate of good conduct is not considered to have a criminal record..

  • What is considered a criminal offense in Germany?


    1. Serious criminal offences (Verbrechen) are unlawful acts which are punishable by a minimum term of imprisonment of one year
    2. . (.
    3. Less serious criminal offences (Vergehen) are unlawful acts which are punishable by a lesser minimum term of imprisonment or by a fine

  • What is StPO in Germany?

    German Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafproze\xdfordnung – StPO).

  • What is the penalty order in Germany?

    With a penalty order only certain legal consequences (punishments, measures etc.) can be fixed.
    Among other things can be recognized on a fine, the withdrawal of the driving licence however under certain conditions also on a term of imprisonment up to one year on probation..

  • German Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafproze\xdfordnung – StPO)
  • Under the laws of Germany, children reach the age of criminal responsibility at 14 years of age (“juveniles”).
    Juveniles between 14 and 18 years of age will be tried in the Juvenile Court.
    Between age 18 and 20, juveniles are considered adolescents (Heranwachsende) and are generally tried at juvenile courts.
Rating 4.9 (887) A criminal complaint can be filed by the victim of the offence and by any citizen. This is to be distinguished from the criminal complaint, which is required to  Code of Criminal ProcedurePreliminary ProceedingsResults of the Preliminary
The introduction notes that criminal procedure, as currently practiced in the Federal Republic of Germany, is an inquisitorial proceeding based on the principles of public prosecution and investigation. The office of the prosecution and the courts initiates a proceeding if there is sufficient reason for it.

Does German Criminal Procedure law prohibit the gathering of evidence?

As explained above, German criminal procedure law contains several restrictions and prohibitions when it comes to the gathering of evidence and therefore the question arises as to whether (and if yes, to what extent) these

Is the diversity of Criminal Procedure Law a problem in Germany?

Interviewees con昀椀rmed that the existing diversity of legal traditions regarding criminal procedure law across the EU is, in principle, not considered an obstacle by the German authorities

In particular, they pointed out that requirements of each other’s criminal procedure are widely accepted and mutually recognised

What are the rights of defendants in criminal proceedings in Germany?

In Germany, the implementation of the Directive, which stipulates the fundamental rights of defendants in criminal proceedings, comprised only individual law changes concerning the right to be present at the trial

The investigation, arrest, indictment and conviction of suspected offenders constitute individual stages of the criminal investigation, intermediate and main proceedings and are regulated as such in the German Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO).

The steps can be summarized as follows:

  • Complaint: this is when the plaintiff initiates the court proceedings and files a complaint with the competent court; the complaint states the parties and the relief.
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Adhesion procedure, adhesive procedure or ancillary proceedings is a procedure through which a court of law can rule on compensation for the victim of a criminal offense.
Rather than pursuing damages in a separate civil action, the victim files a civil claim against the offender as a part of a criminal trial.


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