Criminology and law

  • Criminology University


  • Subjects of Criminology


Criminology is the study of crimes, criminals, crime victims, theories explaining illegal and/or deviant behavior, the social reaction to crime, and the effectiveness of crime control policies. Law Studies is an interdisciplinary field that engages the meanings, values, practices, and institutions of law and legality.

What can I do with a criminology & law degree?

London Met's joint Criminology and Law degree course enables you to work in a range of roles within the criminal justice system and law sectors

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What is Criminology & Law?

Criminology and law combine a social science approach to crime with an understanding of core legal principles and institutions

Which Criminology Institute has a library?

"Essais de philosophie pénale et de criminologie" (Essays on criminal philosophy and criminology), compiled by Philippe Conte and Stamatios Tzitzis, published by Éditions Dalloz The Institute disposes of a library

The Paris Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law is the oldest laboratory of criminal law and criminology in France

Criminology is the study of crime, criminals the way they operate and to a degree why they are criminals. Criminal law is the study of laws that define criminal behavior and their application to criminal charges.,Our teaching is designed to help you develop yourself as a critical thinker and researcher

Academic journal

The British Journal of Criminology is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed criminology and law journal focusing on British and international criminology.
It is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and its editor-in-chief is Eamonn Carrabine.


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