Criminology chapter 4 quizlet

  • What is 3 division of criminology?

    This relatively young field of study has three principal divisions: (1) the sociology of law, which examines how laws are made and enforced; (2) criminal etiology, which studies the causes of crime; and (3) penology, which addresses society's response to crime and includes the study of the criminal justice system..

What is Classical criminology?

Classical criminology Classical Criminology

A theory of crime suggesting that criminal behavior is a matter of personal choice, made after the individual considers its costs and benefits, and the criminal behavior reflects the needs of the offender

Classical criminology was developed by whom? Cesare Beccaria

What is criminal behavior theory?

A theory of crime suggesting that criminal behavior is a matter of personal choice, made after the individual considers its costs and benefits, and that the criminal behavior reflects the needs of the offender

The view that an offender reacts selectively to the characteristic of a particular criminal act

What is the rational choice perspective in criminology?

Summary Criminology studies the reasoning and factors as to why individuals engage in criminal activities

In classical criminology, social philosophers Cesa

This is where we find the foundations of the Rational Choice Perspective that concerns itself with the offender’s decision-making process

However, the scope


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