Guide to cross cultural communication pdf

  • always be aware that we carry culture with us wherever we go.
    Never assume we know the answer - always ask. always be prepared for something different.
  • How is communication guided by culture?

    The LEARN (Listen, Explain, Acknowledge, Recommend, Negotiate) model is a framework for cross-cultural communication that helps build mutual understanding and enhance patient care (6).
    Listen: Assess each patient's understanding of their health condition, its causes and potential treatments..

  • What are the 4 basic elements of cross-cultural communication?

    Active listening is a very effective strategy for improving cross cultural communication.
    Restate or summarise what the other person has said, to ensure that you have understood them correctly, and ask frequent questions..

  • What are the 4 basic elements of cross-cultural communication?

    Culture can affect how people communicate in different ways.
    For example, it may affect communication styles in aspects such as phrases, words, gestures, and languages used.
    Culture can also affect how people deliver information and their attitudes towards conflict..

  • What is a guideline to improve cross-cultural communication?

    Top tips for establishing effective cross-cultural communications

    1. Practice active listening
    2. Be an effective communicator
    3. Maintain etiquette
    4. Keep it simple
    5. Avoid slang
    6. Understand the culture, (sub)culture, and creed
    7. Ethnocentrism
    8. Stereotyping

Cross-cultural competence entails a combination of two key parts: knowledge and strategies for success. These can be attained through education, training, and 
Cross-cultural competence is the ability to adapt to changing cultural situations and achieve mission success. Developing cross- cultural competence (3C) does 
First, you should understand the influence of your own culture on the ways you think and act, your beliefs and values, and what you consider normal behavior in 

How do you deal with cultural stereotypes in cross-cultural communication?

Be aware that jokes that are funny in one culture could cause offence in another

Humour can make a conversation more relaxed and the atmosphere friendlier

But paying attention to how you incorporate it into cross-cultural communication is important

6 Be Aware of Cultural Stereotypes

How to improve cross-cultural communication?

Paying attention to what other people say will improve cross-cultural communication and make it effective

Humour is quite variable depending on the people and their culture

Be aware that jokes that are funny in one culture could cause offence in another

Humour can make a conversation more relaxed and the atmosphere friendlier

If you know ahead that you will meet and work with people that have a different background and culture as you do


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