Cross cultural communication and international management

  • Is cross-cultural management and international management same?

    Cross-cultural management and international management are concepts that refer to working with individuals coming from diverse cultural backgrounds.
    In some sources, such as the works by Thomas & Peterson, these terms are presented as interchangeable; however, they are not the same.Aug 24, 2021.

  • HR practices should aim to foster an inclusive culture that values and respects cultural differences.
    Cross-Cultural #Communication: Effective communication across different cultures is vital in IHRM.
    HR professionals must be skilled in bridging communication gaps and addressing potential misunderstandings.
  • So, in a nutshell, intercultural communication relates to interactions among people from different cultures, while cross-cultural communication involves comparing interactions among people from the same culture to those from another culture.
This Master's provides theoretical, research and practical training in international and intercultural communication and international business management.


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Ways to improve cross cultural communication
Ways to overcome cross cultural communication barriers
Ways to improve cross-cultural communication in the workplace
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Objectives of cross cultural communication
Obstacles against effective cross-cultural communication