Cross cultural understanding between indonesia and america

  • Is Indonesia a country with cultural diversity?

    Cultural Diversity
    More than 300 distinct ethnic groups live in Indonesia and each has its unique cultural practices, customs, traditions, and languages.
    Javanese is the major ethnic group in Indonesia, followed by Sundanese, Malay, and many more..

  • What are some cultural differences between the US and other countries?

    Cultural Differences in the U.S. and Abroad

    Time and Punctuality.
    Some countries emphasize promptness and punctuality. Leisure and Schedules.
    Spain is well-known for its midday “siestas” (periods of rest), and several other countries have adopted this custom as well. Body Language..

  • What are the cultural differences between the United States and Indonesia?

    Americans tend to be very individualistic, whereas Indonesians tend to be group and family-based oriented.
    Most American adults leave their homes and want to be independent when they turn 18, whereas so many Indonesians live with their parents even after they have married and have kids.Dec 11, 2020.

  • What is a cultural tradition from Indonesia?

    Many cultures and traditions make up of Indonesia.
    Kerik Gigi (Teeth Carving), Kebo-keboan (Playing Buffaloes)and Fahombo (Stone Jumping) are examples of unique traditions that are seldom heard of even by Indonesians..

  • What is Indonesia known for culturally?

    Indonesia is the largest nation with people following the Islamic faith in the world, with 88% of the population being Muslim.
    In addition, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity are all practised and prevalent within Indonesia..

  • What is the cultural characteristics of Indonesia?

    Indonesian people are very family-oriented.
    Family holds the most important meaning for Indonesian culture.
    The relationship between each member of the family is close, although it's rare to see family members showing their feelings and affection openly..

  • Cultural Diversity
    More than 300 distinct ethnic groups live in Indonesia and each has its unique cultural practices, customs, traditions, and languages.
    Javanese is the major ethnic group in Indonesia, followed by Sundanese, Malay, and many more.
  • The cultures of the inner islands are more homogeneous, with only four major cultural groups: the Sundanese (in West Java), the Javanese (in Central and East Java), the Madurese (on Madura and in East Java), and the Balinese (on Bali).
    The outer islands have hundreds of ethnolinguistic groups.
Dec 11, 2020Americans tend to be very individualistic, whereas Indonesians tend to be group and family-based oriented. Most American adults leave their 
Dec 11, 2020One of the most significant differences between American and Indonesian culture is individualism. Americans tend to be very individualistic, 
Cross cultural understanding between indonesia and america
Cross cultural understanding between indonesia and america

U.S.-based non-profit organization

The Asian Cultural Council (ACC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing international cultural exchange between Asia and the U.S. and between the countries of Asia through the arts.
Founded by John D.
Rockefeller III in 1963, ACC has invested over $100 million in grants to artists and arts professionals representing 16 fields and 26 countries through over 6,000 exchanges.
ACC supports $1.4 million in grants annually for individuals and organizations.
Since independence

Since independence

Overview of the foreign relations of Indonesia

Since independence, Indonesian foreign relations have adhered to a free and active foreign policy, seeking to play a role in regional affairs commensurate with its size and location but avoiding involvement in conflicts among major powers.
During the presidency of Sukarno, Indonesia's foreign relations were marked by engagement with other newly independent nations in Asia and Africa, as exemplified by the Bandung Conference, the subsequent foundation of the Non-Aligned Movement and a confrontational attitude towards Western powers, justified by a belief in the CONEFO and opposition to what Sukarno termed as NEKOLIM.
Indonesia–Philippines relations are the bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Philippines

Indonesia–Philippines relations are the bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Philippines

Bilateral relations

Indonesia–Philippines relations are the bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Philippines.
The two countries established diplomatic relations in 1949.
Since then, both countries enjoy cordial bilateral relationship in spirit of kinship.
The two countries are considered allies and it is considered as one of the most important bilateral relationships in ASEAN.
Both countries have established embassies in each capitals, Indonesia has their embassy in Manila and consulate general in Davao City, while the Philippines has their embassy in Jakarta and consulate general in Manado.
High rank stately visits have been conducted for years.


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