Cryptography voting system

  • What is the purpose of the blockchain voting system?

    The blockchain voting system is decentralized and completely open, yet it ensures that voters are protected.
    This implies that anybody may count the votes with blockchain electronic voting, but no one knows who voted to whom..

  • What is the voting management system blockchain?

    The blockchain voting system is decentralized and completely open, yet it ensures that voters are protected.
    This implies that anybody may count the votes with blockchain electronic voting, but no one knows who voted to whom..

  • It allows voters and election observers to verify that votes have been recorded, tallied and declared correctly, in a manner independent from the hardware and software running the election.
It may be used to perform tasks such as encrypting votes and digital ballot boxes, ensuring votes and software are unmodified, verifying the identity of a voterĀ 

System of voting in government elections via the Internet in Estonia

Electronic voting in Estonia gained popularity in 2001 with the e-minded coalition government.
In 2005, it became the first nation to hold legally binding general elections over the Internet with their pilot project for municipal elections.
Estonian election officials declared the electronic voting system a success and found that it withstood the test of real-world use.

Type of voting machine

An optical scan voting system is an electronic voting system and uses an optical scanner to read marked paper ballots and tally the results.


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