Crystallography reviews

  • What is the impact factor of crystallography reviews?

    The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of Crystallography Reviews is 2.385, which is just updated in 2023..

Crystallography Reviews publishes English language reviews on topics in crystallography and crystal growth, covering all theoretical and applied aspects of biological, chemical, industrial, mineralogical and physical crystallography.
Full reviews are typically 20 to 80 journal pages long with hundreds of references and the journal also welcomes shorter topical, book, historical, evaluation, 

Where can I find information about crystallography?

1 Institute of Crystallography, National Research Council, Department of Chemical Sciences and Materials Technology, Via G

Amendola 122/O, 70126, Bari, Italy Electronic address: maria moccia@cnr it

2 Tor Vergata University, Department of Chemical Science and Technologies, Via Della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133, Rome, Italy


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