Crystallography textbook

  • What are the books for crystallography for beginners?

    The basics of crystallography and diffraction by C.
    Hammond ; Fundamentals of Crystallography by Carmelo Giacovazzo; Crystallography made crystal clear by Gale Rhodes..

Recommended textbooks on crystallography. Walter Borchardt-Ott. “Crystallography”. 1993. ISBN 3-540-56679-1. Hands down best book on symmetry. Clear, methodical 

What is a good book about crystallography and diffraction?

DeGraef, M , and M E

McHenry, Structure of Materials: An Introduction to Crystallography, Diffraction, and Symmetry, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2007

Hammond, C

, The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2009

What is in a crystallography textbook?

This textbook is a complete and clear introduction to the field of crystallography

It includes an extensive discussion on the 14 Bravais lattices and their reciprocals, the basic concepts of point- and space-group symmetry, the crystal structure of elements and binary compounds, and much more

Who can use crystallography?

In fact, it can be used by crystallographers, chemists, mineralogists, geologists and physicists

Based on the author's more than 25 years of teaching experience, the book has numerous line drawings designed especially for the text and a large number of exercises - with solutions - at the end of each chapter


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Crystallography textbook pdf
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