Structure factors crystallography

  • How are crystal structures determined?

    Since the 1920s, X-ray diffraction has been the principal method for determining the arrangement of atoms in minerals and metals.
    The application of X-ray crystallography to mineralogy began with the structure of garnet, which was determined in 1924 by Menzer..

  • How do you interpret structure factors?

    Analytically speaking, each structure factor can be considered as a vector, with its amplitude and phase (referred to an arbitrary origin of phases), and represents the total wave resulting from the co-operative dispersion (diffraction), caused by all the atoms of the cell, in a given direction of space..

  • What does the structure factor depend on?

    It depends only on the type of atom and the direction of scattering, so that it reaches a maximum in the same direction of the incident X-rays, and decreases as a function of the angle of departure..

  • What is structure factor and form factor?

    can be thought of as encoding the structural information about the sample: how the constituents are organized, in relation to one another.
    This can be contrasted with the form factor, which is the scattering coming from the constituents themselves (i.e. their size, shape, and composition)..

  • What is structure form factor?

    Article Talk.
    In condensed matter physics and crystallography, the static structure factor (or structure factor for short) is a mathematical description of how a material scatters incident radiation..

  • What is the structure factor of SCC?

    No matter what atom coordinates or plane indices you substitute into the structure factor equation for simple cubic crystals, the solution is always non-zero.
    Thus, all reflections are allowed for simple cubic (primitive) structures. 0,0,0; – \xbd, \xbd, \xbd. = non-zero → reflection..

  • What is the structure factor of the basis?

    The “basis” sometimes refers to all the atoms in the unit cell.
    This is the structure factor for any integers (hkl).
    The bcc structure can be generated using a sc lattice with a two-atom basis.
    The fcc structure can be generated from a sc lattice with a four-atom basis..

  • Crystal structures are determined by scattering experiments using a portion of the crystal as the target.
    A beam of particles is sent toward the target, and upon impact some of the particles scatter from the crystal and ricochet in various directions.
  • The structure factor equation
    The amplitude F(h) of a particular structure factor indicates the extent to which the electron density is concentrated on planes parallel to the Bragg planes, while its phase indicates the position of planes of high electron density relative to the Bragg planes.
  • The structure factor has units of electrons and the density ρ(xyz) has units of electrons \xc5−3.
    The summation is over all h, k and l values.
    The summation must be carried out on as fine a grid of x, y and z points as possible to obtain a smooth electron density distribution in the unit cell.
A structure factor represents the resultant X-ray scattering power of the whole crystal structure, though, since the whole structure consists of a large number of unit cells all scattering in phase with each other, the resultant scattering power is actually calculated for the contents of one unit cell only.

Derivation of S(q)

Consider the scattering of a beam of wavelength by an assembly of particles or atoms stationary at positions . Assume that the scattering is weak

Perfect crystals

In a crystal, the constitutive particles are arranged periodically, with translational symmetry forming a lattice

Imperfect crystals

Technically a perfect crystal must be infinite, so a finite size is an imperfection


In contrast with crystals, liquids have no long-range order(in particular, there is no regular lattice), so the structure factor does not exhibit sharp peaks


In polymer systems, the general definition (4) holds; the elementary constituents are now the monomers making up the chains. However

What are the structure factors for all reflections HKL?

The set of structure factors for all the reflections hkl are the primary quantities necessary for the derivation of the three-dimensional distribution of electron density, which is the image of the crystal structure, calculated by Fourier methods

What is a complex structure factor?

The complex form of the structure factor means that the phase of the scattered wave is not simply related to that of the incident wave

However, the observable, which is the scattered intensity, must be real

It is proportional to the square of the scattering amplitude (see, e


, Lipson & Cochran, 1966)

What is a structure factor in X ray spectroscopy?

It is proportional to the square of the scattering amplitude (see, e


, Lipson & Cochran, 1966)

The structure factor is directly related to the distribution of scattering matter in the unit cell which, in the X-ray case, is the electron distribution, time-averaged over the vibrational modes of the solid

The structure factor is a mathematical function describing the amplitude and phase of a wave diffracted from crystal lattice planes characterized by Miller indices h,k,l.


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