Crystallographic object-oriented toolkit

  • What is coot used for?

    Coot is molecular graphics program developed in York and is used for model building, model completion and validation.
    It has some features that resemble those of Turbo-Frodo, O, Quanta and XtalView's XFit, such as pull-down menus (see the image below), however Coot does not do many aspects of structure representation..

  • Coot is molecular graphics program developed in York and is used for model building, model completion and validation.
    It has some features that resemble those of Turbo-Frodo, O, Quanta and XtalView's XFit, such as pull-down menus (see the image below), however Coot does not do many aspects of structure representation.
  • The program Coot (Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit) is used to display and manipulate atomic models of macromolecules, typically of proteins or nucleic acids, using .
    1. D computer graphics
The program Coot (Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit) is used to display and manipulate atomic models of macromolecules, typically of proteins or nucleic acids, using 3D computer graphics.
WinCoot (Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit) is a model-building program used in x-ray crystallography. WinCoot is also used for macromolecular model building, model completion and validation, particularly suitable for protein modeling using X-ray data.

What is a Crystallography Open Database?

Crystallography Open Database

This database is a sister to the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database (AMCSD) and contains all the data that is in the AMCSD as well as data that has been deposited by individuals and laboratories

The database is searchable by text, words, elements, volume, or number of elements

The program Coot (Crystallographic Object-Oriented Toolkit) is used to display and manipulate atomic models of macromolecules, typically of proteins or nucleic acids, using 3D computer graphics.

Coot (Crystallographic object-oriented toolkit) is for model building, model completion and validation. Coot displays maps and models and allows model manipulations such as idealization, real space refinement, manual rotation/translation, rigid-body fitting, ligand search, solvation, mutations, rotamers, and Ramachandran plots.

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