Crystallography aimless


aimless HKLIN foo_in.mtz HKLOUT foo_out


Scaling options Control of flow through the program Partially recorded reflections Scaling algorithm Data from Denzo Datasets This program scales

Scaling Options

The optimum form of the scaling will depend a great deal on how thedata were collected. It is not possible to lay down definitive rules

Partially Recordedreflections

The different options for the treatment of partials are set by the PARTIALS command. Partials mayeither be summed or scaled : in the latter case

keyworded Input - Description

In the definitions below "[]" encloses optional items,"|" delineates alternatives. All keywords arecase-insensitive

Input and Output Files

Input HKLIN 1

How does aimless analyze anisotropy?

AIMLESS analyses anisotropy from CC (1/2) and <I/ σ (I)> in cones of data around the principal axes (fig 10a), so a rough resolution estimate can be made for each direction (fig 10d)

How does aimless work?

AIMLESS compares the observed scatter of symmetry-related observations around the mean with the estimated σ (I), and “corrects” the σ (I) by a multiplier and a function of <I>

On average, the observed scatter should equal the estimated standard deviation

where <Ih> is the average intensity of reflection h

Why is crystallography important?

Crystallography is arguably the most widely used technique for studying the structures of proteins and nucleic acids at atomic resolution

Over 90,000 biomolecular crystal structures have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) since its inception four decades ago, with the number of deposits increasing dramatically over the past few years


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