Human geography degree jobs

  • What is the highest paying human geography jobs?

    The best Geography jobs can pay up to $159,500 per year.
    Town planners, cartographers, environmental consultants, and landscapers are some of the careers in the geography field.
    You can also become a geography teacher if you get your teaching certificate..

  • Develop your understanding of complex social, economic, political and cultural processes on our Human Geography degree.
    Choose from a range of modules to explore themes such as urban development, climate and society, migration, social justice, identities and inequalities, and environmental justice.
  • Human geography is an important part of geography.
    Knowing the relationships between cultures, and why they exist at all is vital in our increasingly global world.
  • The best Geography jobs can pay up to $159,500 per year.
    Town planners, cartographers, environmental consultants, and landscapers are some of the careers in the geography field.
    You can also become a geography teacher if you get your teaching certificate.
Entry-Level Jobs for Bachelor Grads
  • Community Outreach Coordinator in NGOs.
  • Sustainability Coordinator in Corporations.
  • Mapping/Data Analyst in Planning/Construction.
  • GIS Analyst in Transportation Services.
  • Development Worker in Non-Profits.
  • Natural and Cultural Heritage Interpreter in Government Servicse.
Examples of Fields that 'Fit' the Skills of Human Geography Grads
  • Non-Profit Causes.
  • Human Resources.
  • Marketing and Communications.
  • Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations.
  • Government (Federal, Provincial, Regional, Municipal) Property Assessment and Real Estate.
  • Education and Publishing.
  • Law / Legal Services.

How do I become a geographer?

Advanced positions as a geographer typically require a master's degree.
Earning a Ph.D. in geography prepares graduates for many of the most lucrative jobs in the field, including:

  • positions in academia
  • research
  • management.
    During a doctoral program in geography, students complete coursework in their specialization.
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    What can UTSC human geography graduates do?

    According to an informal survey of graduates, and resources like The Career Directory , common employment destinations include:

  • Natural and Cultural Heritage Interpreter in Government Servicse Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Policy Analyst) UTSC Human Geography graduates are working in Education
  • Operations
  • Sales/Marketing.
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    What is a career in geography?

    Geography careers include:

  • geoscientist
  • geographer
  • cartographer.
    Below, readers will find more information about pursuing a career in this field, including:salary potential and links to helpful resources.
    Why Pursue a Career in Geography.
    Careers with a geography degree offer the opportunity to work indoors or outdoors.
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    What jobs utilise the analytical and research skills of human geography graduates?

    "Jobs that utilise the analytical and research skills of human geography graduates include:

  • market research
  • law
  • finance and accounting." Postgraduate study.
    A high number of geography-related careers require further study.
  • Measure of how populations and goods move over time

    Geographic mobility is the measure of how populations and goods move over time.
    Geographic mobility, population mobility, or more simply mobility is also a statistic that measures migration within a population.
    Commonly used in demography and human geography, it may also be used to describe the movement of animals between populations.
    These moves can be as large scale as international migrations or as small as regional commuting arrangements.
    Geographic mobility has a large impact on many sociological factors in a community and is a current topic of academic research.
    It varies between different regions depending on both formal policies and established social norms, and has different effects and responses in different societies.
    Population mobility has implications ranging from administrative changes in government and impacts on local economic growth to housing markets and demand for regional services.


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