Human geography census tracts

  • What is a census tract?

    Census Tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or statistically equivalent entity that can be updated by local participants prior to each decennial census as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP)..

  • What is the format of the census tract?

    The census tract should be an 11 digit number.
    The census tract combines the 2 digit state, 3 digit county, and 6 digit tract code (with no decimal).
    The county code is a 5 digit number that combines state and county codes..

  • A census is a survey of the total population of a region done by a governing body.
    Censuses gather information about the age, sex, economic status, education, and attributes of the people in a region, which can then be used for a variety of purposes.
  • The full GEOID for many levels of geography combines both the FIPS codes and Census Bureau codes.
    For example, census tracts, block groups and census blocks nest within state and county; therefore, the GEOIDs for each of these geographic areas contains both the state and county FIPS codes, in which they nest.
  • Tracts within counties are identified 6-digit code.
    Combine these codes to uniquely identify a tract in the U.S. (11 characters).
    For example, the census tract containing the Office of the California Secretary of State, located at 1500 11th St, Sacramento, CA 95814, is uniquely identified by the code 06067001101.
Census tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or equivalent entity that are updated by local participants before each decennial census. The primary purpose of census tracts is to provide a stable set of geographic units for the presentation of statistical data.
The tracts maintain the same boundaries to keep the same amount of people in each tract. The tracts eventually decrease in area if the population rises 

How often do geographers collect census data?

Geographers around the world routinely take advantage of government-collected census data.
In the United States, a census of population and housing is collected every ten years in the zero year.
The last population census was collected in 2010 and the next will be in 2020.


What is a census tract?

The Census uses its own methods and terminology for geography as well, the most prominent of which is a division known as a "Census tract," which divides up counties.
The links on this page are provided to help users comprehend Census geography and how it can be used to better understand population and demographic data.


Where can I find census data?

Data tables are available at
Changes since 2010 can be calculated using the 2010 Census data.
The 2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer is a web map application that includes ,data from the 2020 Census at the state, county, and census tract levels.


Why is geography important to the Census Bureau?

Geography is central to the work of the Census Bureau, providing the framework for survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination.
Geography provides meaning and context to statistical data.
Find out more about the Geography Program at the Census Bureau.

Human geography census tracts
Human geography census tracts

Region in southeastern Bangladesh

The Chittagong Hill Tracts, often shortened to simply the Hill Tracts and abbreviated to CHT, are group of districts within the Chittagong Division in southeastern Bangladesh, bordering India and Myanmar (Burma).
Covering 13,295 square kilometres (5,133 sq mi), they formed a single district until 1984, when they were divided into three districts: Khagrachari District, Rangamati Hill District, and Bandarban District.


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