Human geography hierarchical diffusion

  • What are the 3 types of expansion diffusion?

    Stimulus, contagious, and hierarchical diffusion are all kinds of expansion diffusion.
    Expansion diffusion is when innovations spread to new places while staying strong in their original locations.
    For example, Islam has spread throughout the world, yet stayed strong in the Middle East, where it was founded..

  • What does hierarchical mean in human geography?

    Hierarchical-The spread of an idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places.
    Contagious-The rapid widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population.
    Stimulus-The spread of an underlying principle when the characteristic fails to diffuse..

  • What is an example of expansion diffusion in human geography?

    Expansion diffusion is when innovations spread to new places while staying strong in their original locations.
    For example, Islam has spread throughout the world, yet stayed strong in the Middle East, where it was founded..

  • What is contagious diffusion in human geography?

    Contagious diffusion is the process of an idea being spread rapidly throughout the population; all places and individuals in the region are affected.
    Additional Information.
    Examples could include: the spread of AIDS prevention; the spread of disease; the use of the internet..

  • What is the process of diffusion in human geography?

    Diffusion is the spread of ideas, objects, inventions, and other practices from place to place.
    As people migrate or move to a new area, they bring their ideas, objects, and the like with them in a process call relocation diffusion..

  • Hierarchical Diffusion
    An example of this type of diffusion is music spreading from one specific group within a population (such as country music in rural areas or hip hop in urban areas) to the majority of the population.
Hierarchical diffusion is when a cultural trend is spread from one segment of society to another in a pattern, such as hip hop spreading from cities to less populated areas. Stimulus diffusion is when a cultural trend spreads but is changed by those adopting the idea, such as American practitioners of yoga poses.
What is hierarchical diffusion in human geography? Hierarchical diffusion is the spreading of culture via a hierarchy, "vertically," either from the top to the bottom or vice versa.

What is hierarchical diffusion?

Hierarchical diffusion is the spread of innovations up or down a hierarchy of places.
Walmart displayed a type of “reverse hierarchical” diffusion by first spreading to small towns before opening stores in bigger cities and metropolitan areas.
What are 2 examples of hierarchical diffusion.
Parisian Fashion Diffusion.
Royal Fashion Trends.


What is stimulus diffusion AP Human Geography?

What is an example of stimulus diffusion in AP Human Geography.
What is Stimulus diffusion.
The spread of an underlying principle but without its particular traits due to cultural or other barriers to the movement of the ideas.
What is an example of Stimulus diffusion.
McDonald’s spread to India; however Indian Hindus do not eat beef.

Universalism, in human geography, signals the position that ideas of development produced in Western social sciences hold for all times and places.
Universalist thinking began in the Age of Enlightenment when philosophers decided on truths that could explain occurrences rationally and accurately.
Development geography, human geography and other disciplines seek to find and critique universal truths.
Critics suggest that Universalism has created a world knowledge hierarchy placing Western Europe, North America and the rest of the developed
world at the top, as the centre of knowledge, and placing the rest of the globe below, as ignorant and needing to be educated.
The hierarchy reiterates the core-periphery notion, examining it in terms of knowledge differentials across space.


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