Cultural background of ephesians

  • What inspired Paul to write Ephesians?

    The epistle to the Ephesians was written to the church at Ephesus, a coastal city in Asia Minor in what is now Turkey.
    The church was comprised of both former Jews and former Gentiles.
    Paul writes to them to encourage them to remain unified in Christ..

  • What is the audience of Ephesians?

    The title “Ephesians” comes from the intended audience designated in 1:1, “To the faithful saints in Christ Jesus at Ephesus.” The epistle's body makes it clear that Paul's intended audience in Ephesus includes both Jewish and Gentile Christians..

  • What is the background of the church of Ephesus?

    The church at Ephesus was established 15-20 years after the death of Jesus Christ.
    Paul visited the city on his second missionary journey through the ancient world (Acts 18:19).
    After planting the church in Ephesus, Paul put a couple named Pricilla and Aquila in charge of the church..

  • What is the historical background of Ephesus?

    Ephesus is an ancient city that was important to both ancient Greek culture and to the Roman Republic and Empire.
    According to legend, the city was founded by Amazon warriors, but in fact it was founded by Greek colonists..

  • What is the historical background of the Book of Ephesians?

    Ephesians may have been written during Paul's first imprisonment in Rome, around A.D. 60–62 (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Pauline Epistles,”
    During this time Paul was being held under house arrest, but he had the freedom to receive visitors and teach the gospel (see Acts 28:16–31)..

  • What is the story behind Ephesians?

    Paul writes to the church at Ephesus and shows how Jesus' work on the cross should permeate every aspect of their everyday lives, changing how they serve and love one another despite their differences..

  • What nationality were the Ephesians?

    The city of Ephesus was one of the largest and most important cities in the ancient Mediterranean world, lying on the western coast of Asia Minor (in modern day Turkey).
    It was one of the oldest Greek settlements on the Aegean Sea, and later the provincial seat of Roman government in Asia..

  • What religion were the Ephesians?

    Christianity was introduced already in the city of Ephesus in the 1st century AD by Paul the Apostle.
    The local Christian community comprised one of the seven churches of Asia mentioned at the Book of Revelation, written by John the Apostle..

  • Paul writes to the church at Ephesus and shows how Jesus' work on the cross should permeate every aspect of their everyday lives, changing how they serve and love one another despite their differences.
  • The title “Ephesians” comes from the intended audience designated in 1:1, “To the faithful saints in Christ Jesus at Ephesus.” The epistle's body makes it clear that Paul's intended audience in Ephesus includes both Jewish and Gentile Christians.
People in Ephesus had Greek and Roman cultures and the lifestyles. They had to wear “white colored toga”, a sort of dress when they were adolescent in Roman time. In Greek period they had different type of dresses similar with toga. The age of puberty was 14 for boys, 12 for girls.
People in Ephesus had Greek and Roman cultures and the lifestyles. They had to wear “white colored toga”, a sort of dress when they were adolescent in Roman time. In Greek period they had different type of dresses similar with toga.

What does Ephesians say about ethnicity?

Ephesians is a 1st-century CE New Testament letter in which a Jewish writer applies the memory of Jesus and Pauline thought to Christ-followers from different ethnic backgrounds

It describes God’s blessings upon his people, reconciliation of their ethnic differences, and prototypical values for a godly lifestyle in familial and communal contexts

What was the cultural environment like in Ephesus?

As explained more fully below, the cultural environment in Ephesus was particularly problematic for Christians

The City - Ephesus itself was a large, multi-ethnic center of trade, commerce and culture

In the Greco Roman world of the first century, Ephesus was exceeded in population only by Rome and Alexandria

Why did people come to Ephesus?

As such, people from across the region traveled to Ephesus to visit the Temple and an industry of blacksmiths served them by creating trinkets and statues of the goddess

Additionally, Ephesus was home to a large community of Jews who had a synagogue in the city

The author of the Book of Ephesus was the Apostle Paul

Background of Ephesians Mary Hinkle Shore According to Ephesians, Christ and believers are seated in the heavenly places, the church bears witness to God’s wisdom in the heavenly places, and the armor of God is made available for believers to battle “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of ...The Setting of Ephesians c. a.d. 62 Ephesus was a wealthy port city in the Roman province of Asia. It was a center of learning and was near several key land routes.The Book of Ephesians was written to “God’s holy people in Ephesus” (Ephesians 1:1, NIV). The city of Ephesus was a large commercial port city in Asia Minor (present day Turkey) located at the mouth of the Cayster River near the Aegean Sea. As a large population center on a major trade route and the capital of the Roman ...Context and Background of Ephesians To understand the context behind Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, let’s take a quick look at Acts 19 to 21. The city of Ephesus was huge and was known to be a center of worship for Greek and Roman gods.Much of Ephesus’s ancient history is unrecorded and sketchy. What is known is that in the seventh century B.C., Ephesus fell under the rule of the Lydian Kings and became a thriving city where men and women enjoyed equal opportunities. It was also the birthplace of the renowned philosopher Heraclitus.,The vision of redemptive history presented in Ephesians stretches all the way back to the beginning of time and before
Cultural background of ephesians
Cultural background of ephesians

Book of the New Testament

The Epistle to the Ephesians is the tenth book of the New Testament.
According to its text, the letter was written by Paul the Apostle, an attribution that Christians traditionally accepted.
However, starting in 1792, some scholars have claimed the letter is actually Deutero-Pauline, meaning that it is pseudepigrapha written in Paul's name by a later author strongly influenced by Paul's thought.
According to one scholarly source, the letter was probably written by a loyal disciple to sum up Paul's teaching and to apply it to a new situation fifteen to twenty-five years after the Apostle's death.
Select Parts of the Holy Bible for the

Select Parts of the Holy Bible for the

Bible specifically edited for slaves

Select Parts of the Holy Bible for the use of the Negro Slaves in the British West-India Islands, sometimes referred to as a slave bible, is an abbreviated version of the Bible specifically made for teaching a pro-slavery version of Christianity to enslaved people in the British West Indies.


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