Cultural history of iran

  • How old is Iranian culture?

    Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC..

  • Traditions in Iran

    Islam has been the official religion and part of the governments of Iran since the Arab conquest of Iran c. 640 AD.
    It took another few hundred years for Shia Islam to gather and become a religious and political power in Iran..

  • What is Iran known for in history?

    Ancient Iran, historically known as Persia, was the dominant nation of western Asia for over twelve centuries, with three successive native dynasties—the Achaemenid, the Parthian, and the Sasanian—controlling an empire of unprecedented size and complexity..

  • What is the ancient history of Iran?

    Ancient Iran, historically known as Persia, was the dominant nation of western Asia for over twelve centuries, with three successive native dynasties—the Achaemenid, the Parthian, and the Sasanian—controlling an empire of unprecedented size and complexity..

  • What is the cultural fact of Iran?

    Almost all Iranians are Muslim, or followers of Islam.
    The religion is central to daily life.
    Iran has a long history of scholarship that has created a rich culture of art, literature, poetry, music, cuisine, and architecture..

  • What is the history of the Iran culture?

    The Culture of Iran is a mix of ancient pre-Islamic culture and Islamic culture.
    Iranian culture has long been a predominant culture of the Middle East and Central Asia, with Persian considered the language of intellectuals during much of the 2nd millennium, and the language of religion and the populace before that..

  • What was Iran culture before Islam?

    Before the conquest, the Persians had been mainly Zoroastrian.
    The historian Al-Masudi, a Baghdad-born Arab, who wrote a comprehensive treatise on history and geography in about 956, records that after the conquest: Zoroastrianism, for the time being, continued to exist in many parts of Iran..

  • Being a collectivist society, people in Iran show very strong loyalty to their family.
    The interests of the family can supersede the needs of a single individual.
    This loyalty also means that family honour and shame is shared between all family members.
  • Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC.
The Culture of Iran is a mix of ancient pre-Islamic culture and Islamic culture. Iranian culture has long been a predominant culture of the Middle East and Central Asia, with Persian considered the language of intellectuals during much of the 2nd millennium, and the language of religion and the populace before that.
The Culture of Iran is a mix of ancient pre-Islamic culture and Islamic culture. Iranian culture has long been a predominant culture of the Middle East and 


Iran, a mountainous, arid, and ethnically diverse country of southwestern Asia


Iran is bounded to the north by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, and the Caspian Sea, to the east by Pakistan and Afghanistan
Cultural history of iran
Cultural history of iran

Sociocultural region in Asia

Greater Iran, also known as Persosphere, refers to a sociocultural region in which Iranian traditions and Iranian languages have had a significant impact.
It spans parts of West Asia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, South Asia, and Xinjiang.
The region is defined by having been long-ruled by the dynasties of various Iranian empires, under whom the local populaces gradually incorporated some degree of Iranian influence into their cultural and/or linguistic traditions; or alternatively as where a considerable number of Iranian peoples settled to still maintain communities who patronize their respective cultures, geographically corresponding to the areas surrounding the Iranian plateau.
It is referred to as the Iranian Cultural Continent by Encyclopædia Iranica.
The history of Iranian animation, which began in its modern form in the mid 20th century in Iran, can also be traced back to the Bronze Age.
President of Iran

President of Iran

Head of Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The president of Iran is the head of government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The president is the second highest-ranking official of Iran after the Supreme Leader.

Farsi book about Iranian history

The Comprehensive History of Iran is a twenty-volume book series about various aspects of Iran's political, social and cultural history from pre-Islamic times to the extinction of the Qajar dynasty.
The research, compilation and writing of this multi-volume book has lasted for 14 years.
The first five volumes of this series narrate the period of ancient Iran and the other 15 volumes narrate the history of Iran in the Islamic period, political, social, cultural, scientific, literary and artistic history.
One hundred and seventy foreign and domestic authors have been used to write this multi-volume book.


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