Cultural history of money

How was money invented?

The invention of money took place before the beginning of written history

Consequently any story of how money first developed is largely based on conjecture and logical inference

The significant evidence establishes many things were bartered in ancient markets that could be described as a medium of exchange

What is the history of currency?

Keep reading for a short history of currency

Some of the earliest currencies were objects from nature

A notable example is cowrie shells, first used as money about 1200 BCE

Although they may seem a pretty random choice, the shells had a number of advantages: they were similar in size, small, and durable

What is the history of minted money?

Minting occurred in the late 7th century BC amongst the Greek cities of Asia Minor, spreading to the Greek islands of the Aegean and to the south of Italy by 500 BC

The first stamped money (having the mark of some authority in the form of a picture or words) can be seen in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris

Many history and cultural museums have large numismatic collections.
Some museums are specifically dedicated to the history of money or coins, while others have major collections amongst other material.
Many small museums often have important collections of coins from their local area or important archaeological sites.


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