Cultural history of war

  • How does war impact culture?

    The relationship between society and war is cyclical as war influences the language people use, how places are named, and encourages social changes.
    Despite being a mostly destructive force, war forces all individuals to contribute to their society: sometimes in non-traditional ways..

  • What is an example of a culture war?

    A number of conflicts about diversity in popular culture occurring in the 2010s, such as the Gamergate harassment campaign, Comicsgate and the Sad Puppies science fiction voting campaign, were identified in the media as being examples of the culture war..

  • What kind of history is war?

    The historical study of war begins with military history: battles and wars, generals and troops, tactics and strategy.
    Historians recognize that wars have been waged for many reasons, however, including dynastic ambition, religious sectarianism, and political ideology..

  • In theory, war is simply a means to an end, a rational, if very brutal, activity intended to serve the interests of one group of people by killing, wounding, or otherwise incapacitating those who oppose it.
  • The Centre for the Cultural History of War is a research and teaching centre dedicated to understanding the impact of war on culture and society, and the representation of war and its consequences in the modern world.
From the conflict with FARC in Colombia to the wars waged by Chechen rebels in the Caucasus to the chronic violence that flares up regularly in Gaza and theĀ 
This Element is a user's guide to the cultural history of warfare since 1914. It provides summaries of the basic questions historians have posed in what is now a truly global field of research. It is divided into three parts. Google BooksOriginally published: August 11, 2022Author: J. M. Winter

How are the culture wars represented in the museum?

The continuation of the culture wars is represented in other parts of the museum by the figure of Lapulapu's wife stopping Magellan with arnis, Rizal exposing Padre Damaso's wolf-in-sheep's clothing Inhabian blowing Marilyn Monroe away, and a sword fight between the Manunggul Jar anitos and Mickey Vader

How long did the culture wars last?

For a period of about two decades, the culture wars, like a vortex, swallowed up much of American political and intellectual life

The culture wars were the defining metaphor for the late-twentieth century United States

Should Trump be allowed to hold office again?

What is the culture of war?

This is a large field, but here we focus on a few key entry points tied closely to the dynamics of war

In short, the culture of war here includes the intellectual traditions of commanders, the experiences and reactions of soldiers, and the memory products specific to combat

The cultural impact of the Falklands War spanned several media in both Britain and Argentina.
A number of films and television productions emerged from the conflict.
The first Argentine film about the war was Los chicos de la guerra in 1984.
The BBC drama Tumbledown (1988) tells the story of a British officer paralysed from a bullet wound.
The computer game Harrier Attack (1983) and the naval strategy game Strike Fleet (1987) are two examples of Falklands-related games.
A number of fictional works were set during the Falklands War, including in Stephen King's novella The Langoliers (1990), in which the character Nick Hopewell is a Falklands veteran.
The war provided a wealth of material for non-fiction writers; in the United Kingdom (UK) an important account became Max Hastings and Simon Jenkins' The Battle for the Falklands.


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