A cultural history of satirical cartoons and censorship

  • How do you analyze a satirical cartoon?

    When you study a cartoon, look for any characteristics that seem overdone or overblown. (Facial characteristics and clothing are some of the most commonly exaggerated characteristics.) Then, try to decide what point the cartoonist was trying to make through exaggeration..

  • What are the 5 main elements of political cartoons and what do they mean?

    Identify five elements of a political cartoon (symbol, exaggeration, irony, labeling, and analogy).
    Identify the methods and techniques used by the cartoonist to convey a message.
    Draw on higher-level thinking skills to interpret the elements of a politi- cal cartoon and to understand the cartoonist's point of view..

  • What is the message of the editorial cartoon?

    They are intended to make readers think about current political issues.
    Editorial cartoons must use a visual and verbal vocabulary that is familiar to readers.
    Editorial cartoons are part of a business, which means that editors and/or managers may have an impact on what is published..

  • What is the purpose of cartoons in history?

    They were primarily created to persuade their audience to take a particular view on a historical event.
    A successful political cartoon can change someone's mind so that they ultimately agree with the cartoonist's point of view..

  • What is the purpose of satirical cartoons?

    Such cartoons play a role in the political discourse of a society that provides for freedom of speech and of the press.
    They are a primarily opinion-oriented medium and can generally be found on the editorial pages of newspapers and other journalistic outlets, whether in print or electronic form..

  • When did satirical cartoons become popular?

    By the mid-nineteenth century, political cartoons were common throughout the western world, and the most influential cartoons were created for the British periodical Punch.
    Founded in 1841, Punch capitalized on new mass printing technologies to become the preeminent British magazine of the mid-nineteenth century..

  • Cartoonists use several methods, or techniques, to get their point across.
    Not every cartoon includes all of these techniques, but most political cartoons include at least a few.
    Some of the techniques cartoonists use the most are symbolism, exaggeration, labeling, analogy, and irony.
  • Cartoons have the disadvantage of exaggerating and simplifying difficult historical events.
    They are often politically motivated and make no attempt at objective, independent analysis.
    They can also be very unrepresentative.
    They may reflect the views of the readership of a particular newspaper.
  • Developed in England in the latter part of the 18th century, the political cartoon was pioneered by James Gillray, although his and others in the flourishing English industry were sold as individual prints in print shops.
Jan 20, 2015A Cultural History of Satirical Cartoons and Censorship. Articles in JSTOR illuminate the long history of satirical cartoons and censorship. A 
Jan 20, 2015Articles in JSTOR illuminate the long history of satirical cartoons and censorship.

Are political cartoons satire or journalism?

Political cartoons are a cross between journalism, art, and satire

At their best, political cartoons combine the public purpose of journalism, the emotive impact of art, and the democratizing effect of satire

Of course, not all political cartoons reach these levels

As with other forms of journalism, many are mediocre

Some are toxic

What is the history of satirical cartoons and censorship?

Articles in JSTOR illuminate the long history of satirical cartoons and censorship

It was, essentially, an execution

Twelve people slaughtered at the office of the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in response to the paper’s series of gleeful, pointed caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad

Where did political cartooning come from?

Though France has developed a culture of caricature, recognized as unique in the world, the origins of modern political cartooning date back to the dawn of the visual representation of public figures


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