Cultural origins ib psychology

  • How does culture influence behavior psychology?

    The type of culture either Individualistic or Collective into which a person is born affects and influences what that person believes and how that person behaves.
    For example, someone growing up in a “tight” (Collective) culture, where rules are strongly enforced, does not support individualistic thought or behavior..

  • What is a culture in IB psychology?

    Cultures are made up of a set of attitudes, behaviors and symbols shared by a large group of people, usually communicated from one generation to the next.
    Cultural groups are characterized by different norms and conventions..

  • What is the definition of culture in IB?

    Culture in international business refers to the beliefs, values, practices, and attitudes of organizations that impact business functions and the strategic direction enterprises take.
    Business culture influences management and employees' professional interaction within and outside the organization..

  • What is the sociocultural theory of IB psychology?

    Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory posits that cognitive development is deeply rooted in social interactions and cultural context.
    This influential theory emphasises the essential role that society and interpersonal communication play in shaping our cognitive processes..

  • Different cultures have different rates of conformity to group norms.
    This can be explained by the values that are encouraged through socialization, enculturation and parenting practices of those cultures.
    The values encouraged in a particular culture are influenced by their economic systems.Jan 31, 2020
  • Just as enculturation involves learning one's "first culture", acculturation involves learning a "second culture".
    Direct tuition, participatory learning, and observational learning all play a role in acculturation, just as they do in enculturation.
Cultural origins of behaviour and cognitionCultures and their members have shared mental concepts (ideas, norms, beliefs, etc.) that guide their thinking 
Cultural origins refer to the cultural environment in which an individual is raised or lives. This environment encompasses a wide range of elements, including language, religion, customs, traditions, and societal norms. These elements can significantly shape an individual's self-perception and perception of others.

Can enculturation be applied in the IB Psychology course?

This study can be applied in the IB Psychology course to enculturation, cultural norms, cultural origins and influences of behaviour

It works well with Barry et al

(1959) for all of these topics: Barry shows the origin of the values, and Berry shows how they influence behaviour

What is a correlational study of Culture and behaviour?

Correlational studies on culture and behaviour must first gather data on the co-variables in the study

In psychological studies one co-variable is nearly always a measure of behaviour or cognitive process

Cultural factors studied in correlational studies are often related to cultural dimensions

The origin of the Armenians is a topic concerned with the emergence of the Armenian people and the country called Armenia.
The earliest universally accepted reference to the people and the country dates back to the 6th century BC Behistun Inscription, followed by several Greek fragments and books.
The earliest known reference to a geopolitical entity where Armenians originated from is dated to the 13th century BC as Uruatri in Old Assyrian.
Historians and Armenologists have speculated about the earlier origin of the Armenian people, but no consensus has been achieved as of yet.
Genetic studies show that Armenian people are indigenous to historical Armenia, showing little to no signs of admixture since around the 13th century BC.


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