Cultural significance of circumcision

  • What is the historical significance of circumcision?

    This is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and thy seed after you — every male child among you shall be circumcised. ' The biblical explanation for this commandment states quite clearly that the circumcision acts as an outward physical sign of the eternal covenant between God and the Jewish people..

  • What is the significance of circumcision in your culture?

    Cultural reasons for circumcision
    It is seen as a statement of masculinity and a throwing away of any 'feminine'aspects.
    Circumcision is also performed amongst the Australian aborigines and the peoples of the Fuji islands, Samoa and Tonga.
    This is also performed as a rite of passage and an act of hygiene..

  • What is the traditional meaning of circumcision?

    the act of cutting the protecting loose skin off a boy's penis, for medical, traditional, or religious reasons, or an occasion when this is done: Circumcision is an important rite in a number of religions.
    He conducts weddings, funerals, and ritual circumcisions..

  • What was the main significance of circumcision?

    Traditionally, the US medical establishment promoted male circumcision as a preventative measure for an array of pathologies including reduced risks of penile cancer, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and even cervical cancer in sexual partners..

  • Why do cultures circumcise males?

    In the majority of these cultures, circumcision is an integral part of a rite-of-passage to manhood, although originally it may have been a test of bravery and endurance.Feb 26, 2007.

  • Why is circumcision important in some cultures?

    When male circumcision is performed on adolescents and young adults, it usually marks a transition from boyhood to manhood.
    In many traditional circumcision ceremonies, boys and men are educated about their responsibilities and duties as an adult member of the community..

  • Why is circumcision important in the community?

    It offers men substantial lifelong partial protection against HIV and a number of other sexually transmitted diseases, and reduces risk of penile cancer and cervical cancer in female partners of circumcised men..

    Today it is still practised by Jews, Muslims and many tribes in East and Southern Africa (see Table 1).
    Many claims have been made about it, perhaps explaining why the practise is, as we shall see, spreading not as a ritual but as a surgical procedure beyond those ethnic groups.
  • In many African societies, male circumcision is carried out for cultural reasons, particularly as an initiation ritual and a rite of passage into manhood.
In the Jewish religion, male infants are traditionally circumcised on their eighth day of life, providing there is no medical contraindication. The justification, in the Jewish holy book the Torah, is that a covenant was made between Abraham and God, the outward sign of which is circumcision for all Jewish males.
As an Abrahamic faith, Islamic people practice circumcision as a confirmation of their relationship with God, and the practice is also known as 'tahera', meaning purification. With the global spread of Islam from the 7th century AD, male circumcision was widely adopted among previously non-circumcising peoples.
Cultural reasons for circumcision It is seen as a statement of masculinity and a throwing away of any 'feminine'aspects. Circumcision is also performed amongst the Australian aborigines and the peoples of the Fuji islands, Samoa and Tonga. This is also performed as a rite of passage and an act of hygiene.

Was circumcision a cultural practice?

No other cultural practice, except the use of fire and the manufacture of stone tools, has such a global distribution

This suggests that, like the use of fire and stone tools, circumcision was one of the cultural practices, or memes, carried by the original Homo sapiens radiation out of Africa

Why do we need action on circumcision?

“Action is also required to improve the safety of circumcision practices in many countries and to ensure that health care providers and the public have up-to-date information on the health risks and benefits of male circumcision,” she said

Why is circumcision important in Hinduism?

It is an important festive event, at which the boy wears special, elaborate clothing and receives many presents

It is thus a keenly awaited occasion for the boy

The traditions of Hinduism prohibit circumcision, and even any interference with a tight foreskin [ 13 ]

Circumcision is associated with reduced rates of sexually transmitted infections and urinary tract infections. This includes decreasing the incidence of cancer-causing forms of human papillomavirus (HPV) and significantly reducing HIV transmission among heterosexual men within high-risk populations.Circumcision represents a physical and symbolic removal of the foreskin, signifying the commitment to follow God’s commandments and live a life of righteousness. However, after the coming of Jesus Christ, circumcision was no longer required for Christians as a religious obligation.Circumcision is a religious or cultural ritual for many Jewish and Islamic families, as well as certain aboriginal tribes in Africa and Australia. Circumcision can also be a matter of family tradition, personal hygiene or preventive health care.Circumcision was a visible, continuous reminder that Israel owed its existence to Yahweh, who created them out of nothing. In the New Testament, membership in God’s family is “circumcision neutral” (Gal 5:6). It is faith in Christ, not a Jewish identity signified by circumcision, that makes someone part of the Church.Like Jewish identity itself, circumcision carries a dual significance, both ethnic and religious. It is the Jewish male’s quintessential sign of ethnic belonging and biological lineage. Though only a small percentage of Jews today consider themselves believers in any traditional sense, nearly every Jewish male undergoes circumcision.


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