Ppt on pakistani culture

  • Pakistan has a collectivist culture in the sense that people are deeply interdependent and loyal to those who are in their inner circle.
    Social connections are essential to daily life, as citizens have often had to rely on themselves instead of their government for support and opportunities.

What is the culture of Pakistan?

The Culture Of Pakistan

Characteristics Of Pakistani Culture

Culture is the combination of tradition and customs collective and individual behaviour during peace and war

It is the collective way of life in a society

What is the main religion in Pakistan?

• Pakistanis love weddings, they consist of 3 day rituals that all the families look forward to

Religion • Islam (Muslim) is the main religion of the Pakistani culture, Christianity and Hinduism follow

• The Islam religion believes in the Five Pillards of Islam which include: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Fasting and Pilgrimage

What is the national language of Pakistan?

However, Urdu is the national language which is spoken and understood in all parts of the country


Mixed Culture Practically speaking Pakistani culture is a beautiful blend of the Punjabi, Sindhi, Pathan, Balochi, Barohi, Seraiki and Kashmiri cultures


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