Cultural studies paper

  • How do you write a Cultural Studies paper?

    Important tips to remember
    The essay needs to follow the prescribed academic format.
    It needs an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    The introduction is where you need to present the issue to be discussed.
    You will also need to bring in a little bit of background information from existing studies on the subject..

  • 7 Simple Ways to Learn About a Different Culture

    1. Get Festive for the Holidays.
    2. Every culture celebrates holidays differently.
    3. Try New Food.
    4. The world is an endless cookbook – and every country offers a different recipe.
    5. Don't be Afraid to Ask Questions
    6. Visit a Museum
    7. Listen to Local Music
    8. Keep an Open Mind
  • Cultural Studies is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal covering research on the relation between cultural practices, everyday life, material, economic, political, geographical, and historical contexts.
International Journal of Cultural Studies is a fully peer-reviewed journal and a leading venue for scholarship committed to rethinking cultural practices, 
The International Journal of Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering cultural studies. The first editor-in-chief was John Hartley. The journal was established in 1998 and is published six times per year by SAGE Publications. WikipediaImpact factor: 1.862 (2020)Publisher: SageDiscipline: Cultural studiesFrequency: BimonthlyHistory: 1998-present


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